St. Francis de Sales Spiritual Directory

Persons who desire to grow and make progress in the following of Christ must, at the beginning of all their actions, ask for grace.

Let them stand firm in the present moment to preceive GOD’S BIDDING, “HIS HOLY INTENTION” and offer to Him all the good they may do.

Even in the face of obstacles, let them carry out God’s will quietly and perseveringly to the end, receiving all from His Fatherly hand. He will afterwards reward them out of the abundance of His love.

In the mind of the Apostle Paul, all we do should be done in the name of God, and to please Him. (1 Cor.10:13) (Col 3:17)

Nothing is too insignificant or ordinary that we cannot discover in it the will of God. The preparation of meals, recreation and even life-restoring rest belongs to this category.

Source: In the Midst of the World, page 8