So, according to St. Francis de Sales, what is the true motivation for entering religious life?

The Saint shared his thoughts with the early Visitandines.(Conference 20)

 “I say, then, my dear daughters, that our only intention ought to be to unite ourselves to God, as Jesus Christ united Himself to God His Father, by dying on the cross. For I do not mean to speak to you of that general union which is effected by Baptism, in which Christians unite themselves to God by receiving that divine sacrament and character of Christianity, and oblige themselves to keep His commandments, those of Holy Church, to exercise themselves in good works, to practice the virtues of faith, hope, and charity, and therefore their union is valid, and they may justly aspire to Paradise, uniting themselves by this means to God as to their God; they are not bound to more, they have attained their end by the general and spacious way of the commandments.

But as to you, my dear daughters, it is not so; for besides the obligation that you have in common with all Christians, God has chosen you by a very special love to be His dear spouses.

We must learn how and what it is to be nuns. It is to be bound to God by the continual mortification of ourselves, and to live for God alone: our own heart always serving His Divine Majesty; our eyes, our tongue, our hands, and our whole selves, continually serving Him. Therefore, you see that religion furnishes you with means well adapted to this end, such as prayer, reading, silence, retirement of the heart to repose in God alone, continual aspirations to our Lord.

For I declare to you, my dear daughters, and I will not flatter you, whoever desires to live according to nature, let him remain in the world; and let those who are determined to live according to grace, come into religion, which is nothing else but a school of abnegation and mortification of oneself.”

Now this is a Challenge!

What is YOUR response to St. Francis de Sales’ perspective?

How do you expect a religious community to support you in this challenge?

We welcome your comments here or in the chat room.

A Sister will also be happy to discuss this with you off line. Use the contact page to send a private message.