The later half of August 26th’s chat session focused on Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati and a fascinating dicussion about holiness and obedience.

Sister M : Anyone heard of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati – rich man’s son who gave away everything despite his father’s saying NO?

 Aug 26 2012, 8:18 PM

Ra (guest): no I haven’t

Car: Tell us more

 Sister Ma: 25 when he died

 He was from Turin and his father was a senator and newspaper man

 From an early age he took whatever his father gave him and handed it over to whatever poor person he met that day.

When his father saw how many people came to his son’s funeral, he began to understand.

J: that’s interesting though…did he violate the 4th commandment?

 Aug 26 2012, 8:22 PM

Sister Ma: He died of polio, contracted from one of the poor people he was helping. And his family didn’t even know he was sick until the last day of his life!

Sister  Ma: He wasn’t defiant to his parents, just stubbornly and gently generous.

 Our religion teachers love to put his poster up because he was handsome, a skier, loved a good time with his friends, smoked cigars, enjoyed life – but never missed daily Mass.

 Ra (guest): what year did he die?

Sister Ma: 1925

J: he sounds like Saint Francis of Asisi…disobeyed his father’s advice on money…gave away everything almost as soon as he got it

Aug 26 2012, 8:26 PM

Car: Ven. Brisson spoke much of charity

 J: eventually gave away everthing

Sister Ma: Maybe that’s how Christ’s followers should think: Money given to the poor is money well “wasted” – i.e., not spent on oneself! Give until it hurts

 J: was using his father’s money and goods to help others til his father found out and cut him off

 Ra (guest): so was he a Dominican (3rd order)?

Sister  Ma: If it doesn’t hurt yet, I haven’t given enough.

 He knew what his conscience told him to do and did it, despite his dad.

 Aug 26 2012, 8:32 PM

J: Sister Ma…did he do wrong though by disobeying his father?

  even if it was for a good?

 SisterMa: His parents knew he loved and respected them.

J: but doesn’t that still go against the whole obedience concept?

Sister Ma: Yes, but…

Sister : Jesus in the Temple at 12…

 Sister Ma: Good example.  What is God asking of me?

 J: But Jesus didn’t disobey them did he…he just went about on his own

Sister : So this is a good spiritual question and dilemna:  gray area

 J: yes very interesting

Sister  Ma: That’s what makes saints’ lives so challenging!

 Aug 26 2012, 8:36 PM

Ca: and Jesus was also without sin

Sister MA: That’s why prayer is so important.

 Car: Yes, we have to be open to the holy spirit

J: I am kind of stuck on this one…if he was disobedient then he did wrong…otherwise we all can say I was doing a higher calling…chaos in the streets…haha

Sister Ma: Saints’ lives are chaotic, no question!

 J: and he is supposed to be our example whether he is God or not

 Sister Ma: Chaos for a Cause1

 Car: Well said, Sister!

 Sister : This is tough- I agree. In some mystics lives tho Jesus Himself asked them to be obedient to their Superiors rather than Himself!

 J: yes Sister ..quite confusing

 Ca: I think this is why we all need spiritual directors

 Sister : Deep discernment- not chat- applies in this situation and in each induividual situation like this. it is a good topic to reflect on

J: yes…very good

 Sister Ma: Let’s keep reading the saints’ lives.

 Aug 26 2012, 8:41 PM

Car: They are so helpful.

Sister : Yes! Do we want to choose one- stay with Frassati?

 Ca: okay

 Car: Sounds good

 Sister Ma: I tell my homeroom girls to pray for his intercession. We can, too

  Aug 26 2012, 8:43 PM

Ra (guest): I had never heard of him before today, he’s interesting

 Sister  And pray over the scripture in Luke is it? where Mary and Joseph said to Jesus, Why have you done this to us

 Ra(guest): When his parents saw him, they were astonished, and his mother said to him, “Son, why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been looking for you with great anxiety.”

  And he said to them, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?”

 Sister : Yes that;s it. Pray with that and read about Frassati and see if we can understand holiness

Sister Ma: Sounds good. Shall we sleep on it?

 Aug 26 2012, 8:45 PM

Car: Okay!

Ca: Goodness, it’s time to go already?

 Sister : Yes and Good night and a blessed week