With Venerable Louis Brisson’s beatification approaching, now merely a month away, we are offering some selections from his conferences to develop our Salesian spirit.

Fr.  Brisson, Founder of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales,  was an energetic preacher, teacher and spiritual leader and this will be evident from his talks!

 Fr.  Brisson encourages his Oblates: “Tell me, what’d the most energetic kind of a life? Isn’t it the kind of life that at every hour of the Day and night belongs to another rather than one’s self? Isn’t it that which at every moment of the day and night must give itself, in order to identify with another?

Don’t shut yourself up in that tepid atmosphere which shrivels up the will, and stifles all energy and leaves nothing to work on. That’s entirely opposed to the spirit of St Francis de Sales. This interior soul fight requires far more courage than it takes to go into battle. You can show courage on the battle fields but what can you do in front of a smoke screen?

Ask Our Lord for the energy necessary for your interior life. As our Lord for what he gave St Francis de Sales.”

 Source: Conference Nov 21, 1898 Fr Louis Brisson On Strength and Courage