As a preparation for the Year of Faith, our Sunday’s chat focused on Faith, especially in relationship to St. Francis de Sales’ teachings.

VisitationSiste: St. Francis de Sales highlights the sweet experience of God in our souls as a harbinger of faith.What is my experience of coming to faith; of retaining faith, of hoping for greater faith?Which insights of St Francis de Sales are new for me and how do they expand my understanding of faith? How does his approach affect my faith? How does this experience change our attitude, outlook, and approach to others throughout the normal course of our day?

 VisitationSiste: Would reading Scripture – the Gospels in particular – help in my reaching the experience St. Francis describes?

How would studying the faith – the Catechism of the Catholic Church – broaden this experience?

After reading this, how do I thus respond to others who demand scientific evidence of God’s presence, or who just say they don’t experience it and cannot relate to it?

Sister : Our Holy Father’s intention in the new evangelization synod is partially to renew enthusiasm for the faith and he is encouraging reading the Catechism and the documents of V 11

Oct 7 2012, 7:31 PM

Sister : But I found St Francis de Sales approach a direct way to get “enthused” because he describes faith so poetically and charmingly in his Treatise

M.E: So am I! Our probation in Nov is on Faith!!

 Sister : Explain probation?

M.E: The probations are for consecrated daughters and are on many different topics such as the virtues and Salesian charism We do three probations a year and reflect on them during our monthly meetings.

 Sister : She is a Daughter of St Francis de Sales, of the Association of St Francis de Sales

 __R is that like the 3rd order or something?

M.E.: Almost, but we do not take formal vows but are consecrated lay women

 Sister : So St Francis’ thoughts on faith would be timely for your probations as well as reflection on our own coming to faith

M.E.: Absolutely

 Sister : What I found appealing as I read St Francis is his approach- he goes deeply into how faith is a gift and how that gift is really a form of intimacy with God.

 M.E.: I can identify with that. Very often, we must proceed in faith when times are uncertain

M.E.: It is only our loving relationship with an all-loving God that sustains us

__R: yes, I think, at least where I work it’s a lot to do with peer pressure, I think they are afraid if they don’t join in the mocking or whatever, they won’t “move up the ladder” but I think as far as how it is in the world in general, I think it’s almost a mob mentality

C: Yet, it should be apparent to everyone that the more-money-greed business model is an utter failure

 M.E.: I agree and there has always been peer pressure.

__R: and I think it’s gotten worse as the years have went by, and may even get worse than it is now

Oct 7 2012, 7:47 PM

Sister : Have any of you “moved up the ladder” with your faith “on your sleeve” so to speak?

__R: moved up the ladder at work by showing your faith?

Sister: No the ladder at work I meant even tho you are obviously faithful

M.E.: I know we are called to be a gentle presence in a the midst of the world…our workplaces and home environments

__R: lol not me, they call me “the nun” and I get whatever anyone else doesn’t want lol

Sister : So then your faith means a type of martrydom in 2 sesnses, as witness and as suffering

M.E.: We are called to live Jesus and model His behavior to others wherever we encounter them…sometime a tall order!

M.E.: Blessed are you when they persecute you for your faith!!

Sister: But St Francis de Sales lived in a time of persecution all those religious wars were going on- and yet he did not suggest anyone hide their faith

M.E.: How true!!

__R: yes, I think back to all the saints and think of all they went there, and how bold they were!!

Oct 7 2012, 7:54 PM

C: no, when the wars are going on is the time to take your stand

Sister : What St Francis would say is to do it in a gentle manner

__R: Did you see For Greater Glory? stuff like that… I wonder if that happened today here, if we would stand up for our Faith or just back down

C: the time may come when we have to find out

Sister : Have not seen it but our annals tell of it thru the eyes of our Mexican Visitation Sisters

Sister : That’s why we need to build up support- if that day comes

Oct 7 2012, 7:57 PM

__R: I saw it in the movies, and of course bawled in the theater… that little boy, and so many other saints were so brave, but God gives us the Grace to endure in those times: so I pray that we all have the Grace to endure should that time come

M.E.: I fear our country is in danger if we do not fight for our freedom to worship…all religions are targets. God will give us the grace when we need it PM

__R: if you think about it, all this happening, could grow our Faith!

2012, 8:03 PM

Sister : That’s why I liked the way St Francis put it- that the Giver comes with the Gift

M.E.:  St. Francis de Sales as he spoke of bloodless martyrdom

C: He sure does!

Sr.M: Yes. I really like the thought that God gives us Himself with the gift of faith!

 So it’s not just my tiny intellect trying to reach out to the Infinite

: So, with faith, we dwell / live in God and He in us

Sister : It’s the intimacy which is so powerful and maybe not often associated with Faith

C: Sometimes I feel that people think faith is something we DO, as in “practice the faith”

SR M: I’ve never really understood faith as “gift.” Why doesn’t everyone receive the same gift, then.

M.E. : There are times when we have to ask for the gift

__R: maybe the intensity of the gift depends on the openess of the one receiving?

C: I think each gift of faith is unique, custom fitted to the recipient

Oct 7 2012, 8:10 PM

SR M: And, like any gift, if we really WANT it, it becomes part of us.

M.E.: God is ready to give us so much more than we ask for but He delights in our asking a father and his child

SR M: I love the statue of St. Teresa of Avila, almost swooning at God’s gift/s to her! But then St. Teresa ended up falling in the mud on one of her journeys to found a new house, and she told God she could see why He had so few friends1`

Sister : ST Francis says that there is an awakening involved and a resolution we need to make about faith and in between lots of prayer, Lord I believe help my unbelief as Scripture says

Sr M: So, pleasure and pain are both part of the gift of faith, it seems.

Sister : As in any love relationship

M.E. : I just thought of a saying regarding faith…for those who believe, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not believe no explanation is possible. In keeping with how we might respond to those who demand “scientific evidence” of God’s presence

C: science is a head thing, faith is a heart thing?

Sr M: “Lord, save us! We’re perishing!” say the Apostles. And Jesus responds, “You men of little faith!”

Sister : That’s good because no one can really explain love and that’s who Gods is love, not science

Sr M: But how do explain love to a hard-core scientist who’s never fallen in love?

M.E.: You may not be able to…actions speak louder than words…I am a nurse and believe me I am surrounded by them

C: he’s got a hole in his heart

Sister : We remain in complete freedom to accept or reject God’s appeals, says SFDS

Sr M: “Faith can be said to be nothing else byt the adhesion of the understanding and will to divine truths.” Lenten sermon of SFdS . If the will adheres, then faith-filled action has to follow, I guess.

M.E.: Yes…the stick to it- ness if you will

Sr M And as you say , those faith-filled actions speak LOUDLY!

Oct 7 2012, 8:19 PM

M.E.: They sure do and save your voice too!

Oct 7 2012, 8:19 PM

Sister: Our Lord draws our hearts by the delight he gives to them and they cause us to find that divine doctrine is sweet and pleasing

M E: Reminds me of how Jesus tells us that His yoke is easy and His burden light

Sr M: “Charity cannot really be in the soul which has faith without performing works either little or great.” SFds in Lent sermon

: It’s light when I let Him do most of the work!

Oct 7 2012, 8:22 PM

M.E. : Yes. Thank you Sister for sharing from the Lent sermons of SFDS.

Sr M: without getting in His way!

C: because all our actions stem from what we believe-by the fruit is the bush known

Sr M: Unless I’m fully other-focused, what I think are faith-filled actions are more me-filled actions.

M.E.: Yes….discernment is crucial!

Oct 7 2012, 8:24 PM

Sister : If the inspiration that has drawn us to faith encounters no resistance in us it draws us on to penitence and charity, says SFDS in the Treatise

Oct 7 2012, 8:24 PM

Sr M: I’m so edified by Blessed T of Calcutta, who simply worked and worked for Our Lord, without looking for any recompense.

 But she also sat before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament every day to be strengthened to do His work.

 “Cast yourself down at God’s feet and stay there. He will understand by this humble posture that you mean to be His, and that you want His help.” Letter to SJdC

It’s so intriguing to me that to grow in faith you simply have to consciously give yourself over more and more to Our Lord’s working within you.

 It’s less about what I do than about what I allow Him to do in me.