Pope Francis, as Cardinal Bergoglio here, speaks about the gentleness of the Visitation Founder, St. Francis de Sales, who treated others with unconditional love.

He reminds us that we are all frail and weak, but instead of hiding these limitations, we should allow them to soften our hearts toward others, for our weaknesses are actually great teachers. They help us to focus on reality!

Come to discuss this heritage of St. Francis de Sales with us on Sunday, June 23rd at 7:30 PM EST, as we ponder the Holy Father’s words from this short video.

Topics for discussion:

  • What is your experience of interacting with others?
  • How can you become “full of sweetness and gentleness,” as St. Francis and the Cardinal says?
  • How do your limitations teach you to stay rooted in reality?

Come share your thoughts! Sign up for the Living Jesus Chat Room.