Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud, Visitandine Foundress of the Guard of Honor/Hour of Presence of the Sacred Heart, can prepare us for the upcoming Feast of the Holy Souls, November 2.

She wrote:

“At this time of the year when the Church mentions particularly souls in purgatory,  multiply acts of piety in their favor.  They are the family of the Heart of Jesus. Honor Guards will be eager to collect the precious blood out of the wound of the divine Heart and spread it like a refreshing wave over souls to hasten their eternal happiness .

There must be a holy ambition driving us during this month : that leaves no honor guard in purgatory. We are not just talking about our parents; no doubt , they already have our vote, but all souls detained in purgatory, and especially those who are abandoned , forgotten.

This devotion is intimately linked to the Sacred Heart . St. Margaret Mary herself practiced to a heroic degree.

Let’s celebrate Masses for those ” good friends suffering ” as she called them . To the extent of our strength and our fervor , offer some sacrifices , some privations , repress our curiosity , the impetuosity of our language , the search for superfluous pleasure of the senses … to relieve the souls who had sinned thereby . It will be rich alms made when we , in our turn,  descend into the purifying fire .”