Religious Vows Help Us to Better Imitate Christ

The Eucharistic Christ is the focus not just of the religious, but of all faithful Catholics. Due to their vows however, the religious are better able to imitate their savior.

But why poverty, chastity and obedience? In her writings, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque explains the reason for each of these three traditional vows.

St. Margaret Mary on poverty:

“In the Holy Eucharist, Jesus has made Himself poor. He is in a condition to receive from His creatures whatever they will give- whatever they will give back- to Him.

We imitate Him by our vow of poverty, allowing ourselves to be given this or that, or to be deprived of it”

On obedience:

“We must deck ourselves out in the virtues that will serve to make us pleasing to the eyes of our Divine and Crucified Spouse, especially in this one: he was obedient even unto death of the Cross, and He is evermore obedient upon our altars. What is there more obedient than Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, where He is present the instant that the Sacramental words have been pronounced?

Our obedience then, interior and exterior alike, shall be then in honor of Jesus Christ upon the Cross and that which in the Blessed Sacrament He renders to the priest, and we shall unite ours with His.”
And on chastity:

“Keep in all purity the temple of the Lord, for wherever it shall be God will assist it with a special presence of protection and of love.

The whiteness of the Host, teaches us that one must be a pure victim to be immolated to Jesus.. pure in body, in heart, in intention and in affection.

In our Living Jesus Chat Room this Sunday, we will discuss these points:

  • St. Margaret Mary identified two kinds of poverty- exterior poverty, which consists in privation of goods of this world, and interior poverty, which is renouncement and detachment. What are examples of each which lay people can practice?
  • Poverty is applicable only to the material world. Will greater poverty on earth equal greater spiritual treasure in Heaven?
  • Is following God a blind obedience? Do we give up reason and our own judgment when we are obedient to a higher authority.
  • What is the specific importance of purity is a sinful world? Is purity between us and God, or does it affect society for better or for worse?

Sign up for our Chat Room

Come to our Living Jesus Chat Room, 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM Eastern Time U.S. this Sunday to discuss the above topics. Sign up here and get your own username, or just come on Sunday and sign in as a guest. Seats are limited, so come on time.