Sister Susan Marie: “The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew. In this Exhortation I wish to encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come.” Pope Francis

Sister Susan Marie: Tonight we will touch on some of Pope Francis’ words from his exhortation and celebrate the joy of this Gaudete Sun and Advent

Dec 15 2013, 7:08 PM

G: Before anything i just want to say I love everybody and am filled with joy.

Sister Susan Marie: Joy is the topic!

G: Yes and so appropriate in this season.

Sister Susan Marie: We need to spread it if we have it- some people don’t

Sister Susan Marie: Staying close to Jesus and those who love Him helps to keep the inner joy alive-

G: By a smile, a handshake or a hug in church. Or something to a homeless person. Just by our prayers.

Yes we are doing what he did by shareing his love.

Sister Susan Marie: What I like in the Pope’s statement in particular is “In Christ joy is born anew”

Sister Susan Marie: So every day there is hope!

G: In the Euchrist we renew that joy of Christ in us.

Sister Susan Marie: Yes and it is a tremendous gift to know that and experience it. It is the best place

Sister Susan Marie: Daily Eucharist is a privilege

G: The Pope is filled with the love of the Lord and compassion for all in the world.

Sister Susan Marie: He said, “The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus.

Dec 15 2013, 7:32 PM

Sister Susan Marie: How is this experienced in your life?

G: Yes, we can go back to that and be in it with Him and experence it fully.

Sister Susan Marie: For me, just being near Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is my joy!


G: Yes one can become lost in that joy. There no words to explain..

It is something each person must discover for themselves

Sister Susan Marie: It needs to be experienced

Sister Susan Marie: How do we encourage others to come to that discovery?

G: One never forgets the filling of the emptyness with the the Lord.

By being role modelsand inviteing them to share that experence.

Dec 15 2013, 7:35 PM

Sister Susan Marie: The Holy Father says the poor have that joy: “I can say that the most beautiful and natural expressions of joy which I have seen in my life were in poor people who had little to hold on to. ”

G: Yes sister, this is true. When I was in Mexico the people had very little yet they were the most spiritual people I have met.

Sister Susan Marie: I have not been successful in winning people who do not know the Lord in this way, to Him, but I have encouraged those who already are open to grow.

Sister Susan Marie: I have found this statement of the Holy Father interesting, ” “I also think of the real joy shown by others who, even amid pressing professional obligations, were able to preserve, in detachment and simplicity, a heart full of faith.”

Sister Susan Marie: I always admire privileged folk who stay close to the Lord and don’t let possessions dominate

G: will repeat. There is a light in all . We just need to find a way to ignite it.

Dec 15 2013, 7:39 PM

Sister Susan Marie: I have found this statement of the Holy Father interesting, ” “I also think of the real joy shown by others who, even amid pressing professional obligations, were able to preserve, in detachment and simplicity, a heart full of faith.”


Sister Susan Marie: Yes, but finding the way has been difficult sometimes. But one never gives up!

G: True. They often share what they have with those less fortunate.

Sometimes just loving them unconditionally is the answer.

Dec 15 2013, 7:42 PM

Sister Susan Marie: Do you think the Holy Father wrote this on joy because the world needs that so much?

G: I have always thought that I love everybody. I may not like what they do but by the Lords compassion I can not judge.

Dec 15 2013, 7:44 PM

Sister Susan Marie: That is beautiful and rare, and a treasured gift!

G: I believe Holy Father is a beacon of light to the world, to all people be they friend or foe..

Dec 15 2013, 7:46 PM

Sister Susan Marie: He certainly is spreading it by his actions

G: Yes that is why it is important to bring people to Christ.

Dec 15 2013, 7:50 PM

G: To spend time in prayer for all those who can not pray.

A: And when you see the history of the Bible and then see visually the three short years of Jesus’s life, it brings it into perspective how much He did to change everything in such a very short time

G: His words were so simple yet applied. to everybody

Dec 15 2013, 7:53 PM

Sister Susan Marie: That is a fascinating perspective actually. And it did remind me of our Holy Father’s current swiftness

G: It is he who we must be like in all that we do..

Sister Susan Marie: The Holy Father said also of joy” all these instances of joy flow from the infinite love of God, who has revealed himself to us in Jesus Christ.”

A: Joy is different than happiness.

Dec 15 2013, 7:55 PM

C: Yes- being in the spirit=joy

Dec 15 2013, 7:55 PM

G: Yes it is on another level.

Sister Susan Marie: Joy is inner and deep

C: Viva il papa


C: I liked the ap exhortation more than I thought

Sister Susan Marie: Happiness is “exciting” but passes; joy comes right back even in distressing situations

C: Yes, deep joy is what gets you through

A: Yes, joy is a grace, and even in the worst of situations we can be joyful

G: Joy for me is when we are filled with the Spirit of God.

C: Francis is really insightful

Sister Susan Marie: The Spirit of God gives us joy; yes and being near Jesus does for me

G: His Love is like a blanket that covers us with live.

C: Francis seems right on the mark about joy & other topics too

Sister Susan Marie: I find this so true: “Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction”.”

C: Just re-affirming

B (guest): yes God always fills more than we can imagine

C: Our hope is in the Name of The Lord

Sister Susan Marie: Like the Holy Father said, ” “Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction”.”

G: Yes he knows our hearts and will provide..

Dec 15 2013, 8:22 PM

Sister Susan Marie: So you are in a holy encounter with Christ in the Eucharist

C: Very moving

G: In reciving the Eucharist it then becomes very personal.

C: Great grace from Eucharist

Dec 15 2013, 8:25 PM

Sister Susan Marie: There is nothing greater we can do. I remember Cardinal O’Connor saying that at the end of Mass years ago

C: One of NY’s holiest!

Dec 15 2013, 8:26 PM

Sister Susan Marie: All these working people at mass just before starting the work day and he’s say, remember nothing you do today will be greater than what you just did

Sister Susan Marie: Yes he really was

Sister Susan Marie: Any other advice or maybe hopes- anything you’d like to chat about in the future?

C: Saints?

Sister Susan Marie: Ah! yes- any in particular or in general?

C: Sure

Dec 15 2013, 8:41 PM

C: Favorite intercessors etc

Dec 15 2013, 8:41 PM

Sister Susan Marie: Thanks- that’s something we did not cover much directly- tho in passing we have mentioned different saints

Dec 15 2013, 8:41 PM

G: Sounds exciting.

Dec 15 2013, 8:41 PM

Sister Susan Marie: Yes sounds like a great topic. Ok- if all are ok with it let’s go with the saints!