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Downlod the book for free: Straightening the Wayward Path: Online Chats About Discernment

Need help in discerning whether you are called to religious life as a Sister? Wouldn’t it be nice to chat with a Sister who has a lot of experience guiding souls to their God-given calling?

Our new ebook on discernment has been published. Straightening the Wayward Path: Online Chats about Discernment, is now available for free through Smashwords.

The ebook, prepared by, draws on discussions from our online chat room, The Living Jesus Chat Room. Download a free copy: Straightening the Wayward Path: Online Chats About Discernment.


1. Chatting about Discovering God’s Will

2. Chatting about Discerning Your Vocation

3. Chatting about Discernment and Signs

4. Chatting about Discerning a Religious Community

5. Chatting about Responses to Your Discernment

6. Chatting about Cell Phones and Monastic Life