SrSusan (guest): In his homily on January 7th, Pope Francis speaks of the path of Jesus, and the path of death. He says:

“That is the path of Jesus Christ: abasement, humility, humiliation as well… If a thought, if a desire takes you along the road of humility and abasement, of service to others, it is from Jesus…. if it brings you to the road of sufficiency, of vanity, of pride, along the path of an abstract thought, it is not from Jesus.”

As Visitation Sisters, our two key virtues are humility and gentleness; St Francis de Sales founded the Order on the passage where Jesus says “I am meek and humble of heart.” Why is humility so important in following Christ? Why is it often overlooked?How do we “test the spirits” to determine if they come from God. Should we do this privately in prayer, or with the support and opinions of others?Even Jesus was tempted by Satan, which shows us Christ does not ask us to do what he has not done.

Sister Susan Marie: I thought Pope Francis’s comments on humility were on target and esp I liked his discernment statements: “If a thought, if a desire takes you along the road of humility and abasement, of service to others, it is from Jesus,” noted Pope Francis, “but if it brings you to the road of sufficiency, of vanity, of pride, along the path of an abstract thought, it is not from Jesus.” M

Sister Susan Marie: Some people I heard were having trouble with the word abasement

Mary Roberta Viano: And to think that we’re mostly teaching our young people how to be self-sufficient – often meaning prideful.

Sister Susan Marie: That’s a good point Sister. I think a balance is needed. People need self-esteem before they can be humble, maybe?

A: I guess self-sufficient can be prideful if you can’t be humble to ask for help

Mary Roberta Viano: Holy Father SFdS wants us to love our abjection!

A: Could you please explain that?

Sister Susan Marie: Self sufficiency could be seen as using the gifts the Lord gave us and asking for His grace before we use those gifts

Mary Roberta Viano: Part of what SFdS was urging was not to immediately defend yourself. PM

Mary Roberta Viano: Just figure that abjection will lead you to a deeper humility.

Jan 12 2014, 8:00 PM

A: Ok, to not always end up on top

Mary Roberta Viano: Right

Mary Roberta Viano: or having the last word

A: Totally contrary to modern society

Mary Roberta Viano: I think cultivating silence helps so much in that regard.

Mary Roberta Viano: Yes, so we’re not concerned so much about what others say about us. We/I just keep my mouth closed.

C: Still out of breath!

Sister Susan Marie: , the Holy Father asked: “Do I test what I think, what I want, what I desire? Or do I accept it all” without discerning?

C: From trying to contribute my 2


Mary Roberta Viano: Yes, one of our sisters always tells us to wait 15 minutes before getting back at anyone – or maybe just take a deep breath.

A: I like that advice

C: W/discernment : yes wise!

Count to 10,

Humble heart

A: Yes, with discernment, it takes time to let the thoughts and emotions separate

C: Ur right

Mary Roberta Viano: There’s far too much noise in this world – so I won’t add my hot air to it!

A: And silence, and not listening to other people just your inner self

C: We can all contribute sth!

Mary Roberta Viano: But I will speak up to defend Our Lord, if challenged.

C: You bet !

Jan 12 2014, 8:08 PM

A: We have to! I struggle with people swearing and using the Lord’s name in vain all the time in public

Mary Roberta Viano: Or really listening to other people, instead of half-listening while I figure out my response.

Mary Roberta Viano: I converted to Catholicism in Italy!

C: Wow! Not a bad place to do that !

Jan 12 2014, 8:10 PM

A: I Like that thought Sister, about really listening to other people

Mary Roberta Viano: I’ve found Our Lord to be the best of all listeners!

C: Listening = key skill

No one listens as perfectly as he

Mary Roberta Viano: Before Him in the Blessed Sacrament, I let it all hang out!

A: Yes

Mary Roberta Viano: and then there’s deep peace – and maybe even a surprise answer to some problem, 8:12 PM

C: Adoration & in private

A: You can be totally candid with Jesus, no walls, as He reads your heart

C: Gotta clear the clutter to hear it

Sister Susan Marie: It’s that deep peace that I would find it very hard to live without

Mary Roberta Viano: That’s one reason for my conversion: As a Protestant, I had to come up with lots of words, all the time.

Mary Roberta Viano: So if God wants me to say something, I figure He’ll give me the right words.

Sister Susan Marie: We have just celebrated the Word.. made Flesh!

Mary Roberta Viano: That’s it: The Person of Christ is the Truth – without a lot of added chatter.

Mary Roberta Viano: always deeds more than words

A: DO you mean the Word, as studying the Bible?

C: Did you mean speech +actions coherent?

Mary Roberta Viano: definitely study of Sacred Scripture, as God’s revelation to us, but Jesus is God’s final and best revelation to us. , 8:18 PM

C: Bible & sacrament no ?

Mary Roberta Viano: Right: speech and actions agree

C: Yes authentic

Mary Roberta Viano: Bible, the Sacraments (in Christ’s Church = His Body), and Sacred Tradition from that same Church8:19 PM

C: Word of God in Scripture & Trad?

Interp by magisterium

? Think? So

Mary Roberta Viano: I remember being so impressed by 1000-year old churches in Italy: the people of God worshipping faithfully all those years! Wow!

A: THat’s tradition!

Jan 12 2014, 8:20 PM

C: Gothic & Romanesque Bella

Mary Roberta Viano: and all those little drawings and such that common people left in their churches/chapels as thanksgiving offerings to God – amazing!

Mary Roberta Viano: Yes, “I good do all things through Him Who strengthens me!”

Mary Roberta Viano: Oops “I CAN do…

Mary Roberta Viano: and reaching out to the deformed and ill, like Pope Francis, does so well

C: Awesome when he reached out to guy w/skin disease


Mary Roberta Viano: If I analyze what I think I can do and don’t think I can do any more than that, maybe I’m not a true Christ-follower.

C: Always more

Jan 12 2014, 8:34 PM

Mary Roberta Viano: because with God’s help I can do that “always more”

Mary Roberta Viano: I think that’s partly why World Youth Day is so popular: the kids know they’re being challenged to that “always more.”

Jan 12 2014, 8:34 PM

C: Cooperation can be really tough