St. Francis de Sales writes,

“Lent is the autumn of the spiritual life during which we gather fruit to keep us going for the rest of the year. Enrich yourselves with these treasures, which nobody can take away from you and which cannot be destroyed. I am accustomed to say that we will not spend Lent well unless we are determined to make the most of it. Let us, therefore, spend this Lent as if it were our last, and we will make it well. Listen to the sermons, because holy words are pearls; they are ships of infinite mercy – the true ocean of the East.”

  • In the above quote by St. Francis, what is the spiritual fruit he talks about?

  • Is Lent a struggle for you, or do you enjoy the challenge to grow in holiness? What are some particular obstacles you may face?

·  What are examples of the four typical Lenten practices done well: prayer, fasting, penance, and almsgiving?

Sister: So is everyone planning their Lenten practices?

Mar 2 2014, 7:32 PM

Al: lots of plans!

SrSusan (guest): We have 3 days of recreation here at the Monastery before Ash Wed

C: Carnivale

SrSusan (guest): Just means talking rather than silence, actually!

K (guest): Yes, I’ve been asking God to show me and Father’s homily this morning gave me answers.

SrSusan (guest): That’s a blessing! Real specifics?

SrSusan (guest): I am pondering going back to the original way of fasting, Wed and Fri

Al: any advice on fasting?

SrSusan (guest): What is the difficulty?

C: What was the original fast Sister?

K (guest): Do you mean for Lent Sister, or always?

Mar 2 2014, 7:41 PM

SrSusan (guest): Lent but who knows? Maybe it was every week. But it included fasting from dairy as well as meats

Alt: could you please give an actual example of your fast day

C: That’s like the Greek Orthodox

SrSusan (guest): For ex, Ash Wed, an abstinence and fast day, I would have dry bread and hot water for breakfast

SrSusan (guest): Fish for dinner and maybe salad and fruit with a half sandwich for supper

Al: thank you so much Sister

SrSusan (guest): Yes The Greek Orthodox did not change the tradition

C: I didn’t realize!

SrSusan (guest): Then during Lent I do give up some foodstuffs and try to take nothing in between meals which we don’t do much anyway

Mar 2 2014, 7:43 PM

C: Sensible fast

SrSusan (guest): We try to extend the fasting to behavior like fasting from a favorite “hobby” if we have one

SrSusan (guest): But the more important decision is the outreach, the effort to be more loving

Mar 2 2014, 7:44 PM

Al: and as for the prayer? do you pray more?

SrSusan (guest): As a community we maintain the same horarium but individually I try to extend beyond the normal meditation time

C: Is that suggested for everyone?

Mar 2 2014, 7:45 PM

SrSusan (guest): We are obliged to an hour and a half meditation so that can be extended; plus deeper spiritual reading, meaning for me, written reflections rather than just in my heart as that centers me more

C: Thank you

SrSusan (guest): We can talk to the Superior or spiritual director about our Lenten choices

SrSusan (guest): The community also gets a “challenge”

Al: A challenge for lent?

SrSusan (guest): A formal, pre written out suggestion for the whole community.

SrSusan (guest): Yes, might be a challenge about keeping the silence better

SrSusan (guest): Something the community needs to grow in as a whole

Al: wow this is so interesting

and I love Lent

C: Is your silence like that of the Trappistines? M


Mar 2 2014, 7:48 PM

SrSusan (guest): I have never been at a Trappistine Monastery but we keep silence most of the day!

Mar 2 2014, 7:48 PM

C: Similar then; I can handle it!

SrSusan (guest): The difference would be I think in the refectory

C: A, you are a brave soul for loving lent!!

Mary Roberta Viano: SFdS calls the days of Lent a time of “steadfast resistance to the frontal attacks of our enemies.” (Lenten sermon)

K (guest): sounds beautiful Al.

Mar 2 2014, 8:21 PM

Al: it is K!

Al: frontal attacks on our weak areas?

Am: I actually like Lent, at but still figuring on what to do

Mar 2 2014, 8:23 PM

C: Seriously though- resisting the urge to serve 2 masters

Mary Roberta Viano: all those temptations to overindulge our senses

K (guest): ditto Sister Mary Roberta.

C: Meekness

Mary Roberta Viano: and overindulge our “need” to criticize (in my case!)

Al: what is our strongest defense?

Am: Do the Sisters have a more intense fasting time that the secular world?

C: Prayer?

C: Both=powerful

Mary Roberta Viano: and almsgiving

SrSusan (guest): I think we should have an intense time but it depends on the community and the age of Sisters

Am: I know the Orthodox faith really focuses a lot on fasting during Lent

C: Fasting=an individual thing

Mar 2 2014, 8:25 PM

K (guest): when I first came into the church, I was able to fast fairly easily, but when my husband passed away and til today, it is very difficult for me.

Mary Roberta Viano: Each of us decides individually what we need to do.

Am: I agree. I’d like to look on increasing the spiritual and corporal works of mercy

A: I find that fasting helps with other overindulgences

Mary Roberta Viano: I get my homeroom girls to fill out a form, hand it in, and then see 3 weeks into Lenten how they’ve done.

A: That’s a good idea, Sister

C: Sister, do they choose one issue or several?

Mary Roberta Viano: Like new year resolutions, it’s easier to promise than to deliver.

C: One area of concentration=helpful8 PM

K (guest): I really liked the quote of SFDS “Lent is the autumn of the spiritual life during which we gather fruit to keep us going for the rest of the year”.

Mar 2 2014, 8:28 PM

Mary Roberta Viano: The girls write down what they want to give up and what they want to add more of.

Al: what advice can you give to help stay with Lenten promises?

K (guest): Yes, writing it down make it more concrete and harder to forget.

Mary Roberta Viano: start small – easier to maintain a small promise

Mary Roberta Viano: maybe keep a journaM

C: Post it on refrigerator

Al: i will try this

Mar 2 2014, 8:30 PM

SrSusan (guest): taking 15 minutes out of an ordinary schedule

Mary Roberta Viano: SFdS suggests not letting the eyes look on frivolous things or the ears listen to vain talk.

Mary Roberta Viano: He says don’t speak idle words or think useless thoughts.

Mar 2 2014, 8:31 PM

C: Fish Fridays, that’s penance

C: Good night sister

Mary Roberta Viano: In other words, “we ought to hold in check all those things which keep us from loving or tending toward the Sovereign Good.” (Lenten sermon)