Monastic Beauty: It may be stark, or it may be rich. It will touch your five senses and it will enfold your soul.

Monastic life, monastic environment, monastic prayer, monastic horarium, monastic music, monastic architecture all nourish the spiritual life of the soul, layered as abundantly as creation’s mountains and valleys, alternating with light and darkness, the sun and the moon.

Monastic life at its best is steady with routine and pierced by surprises, filled with the Presence of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament under the monastic roof.

Visitandine monastic life is symbolized by the violet. Gentleness pervades every movement, humility stills the heart.

Engrossing flames of the purest love of Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart engulfs the Sisters’ Hearts and from there spill over the monastic walls to touch the hearts of all.

The unique chant of the Vistandine’s Liturgy of the Hours are a soft thrill to ear and soul, and invisibly the words pour forth TRUTH and vibrate goodness, overcoming evil.

Private prayer unites the Visitandine with Christ in a delicate union and the Spiritual Directory makes each moment of the day, each exterior and interior action, cushioned in a specific prayer and disposition.

Safely ensconced in the Heart of the Lord, the Visitandine may face any storm of life, any tragedy, any loss with peace.

Monastic Beauty combines a life style with an environment soaked in the goodness,  truth and justice of God Himself.

For an example of a full monastic , Visitandine day, we reference these posts: