“I am the Handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me as you say”

The Second Federation of the Visitation in the USA held a Federation Assembly to elect new leadership June 30-July 5, 2014.

We had chosen the theme, Let Go, Let Come, Be, to reflect our realities as well as to welcome future possibilities, emulating our Blessed Mother’s disposition in being open to God’s Will completely.

Our Religious Auxiliary Assistant emphasized this theme in his homily. He remarked that to let go is actually a decision. We decide to let go because it has come to our hearts that God has willed it so. It is a decision of our will rooted in our love for God.

To let come is also a decision. We decide to be open to whatever the Lord has in store for us. It is our “Fiat:, and we try to respond as Mary did.

To “be” is also a decision. It lies between the two other moments. We embrace the NOW, joyful in the midst of letting go and while waiting for what is to arrive.

Just like Mary and Elizabeth in the scene of the Visitation, who were joyful together, letting go of the familiar, and waiting for the birth of their sons, we live joyfully in the present, awaiting God’s Will for the future.

July_2_Mass Homily, FL