“I looked for comforters and I did not find them!

“What a painful complaint of our Lord! Complaint that He wanted to meet you in enrolling in the Honor Guard. This God betrayed, seeking consolation, what a sight! Alas, this is what we offer too often in the unhappy times we are experiencing.   Honor guards must redouble loyalty and dedication to the service of their King, especially during the current time.  Two wills, two hearts meet: on the one hand, God expects relief and fills the soul with his true affection and blessings; the other, the creature who offers him consolation!
But we must still be true! The first thing is to meet this divine appointment. For an excuse, an omission is not acceptable. Would we not expect a VIP if we agreed each day at a specific time that he would  reward us with his generosity? Are we distracted to the point that we  miss this? However, it is God Himself who deigns to request our presence! Will we and He wait in vain? During this time, let us hasten to comfort and love  all hearts that are afflicted  Let is  Fulfill our duties of time perfecting them so they form a consoling balm  making  him forget all the bitterness and sadness.
Who can tell how many souls have grown in contact with the Royal Heart, how He has informed, fortified them during this blessed hour of guard? We can all experience it! Work by all means in our power to increase the number consoling the Heart of Jesus and share with them the joy of walking under the banner blessed by his Honor Guard! “(Sr Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)