Perseverance in the Devout Life Will Win for Us the Crown

“Stick-to-it-tiveness” or perseverance is a characteristic much needed in many walks of life, but especially in the challenges of living a spiritual, prayerful and devout life.

St. Francis de Sales made these comments about perseverance and a devout life in his “Introduction to a Devout Life”:

“DIRECTLY that your worldly friends perceive that you aim at leading a devout life, they will let loose endless shafts of mockery. They will tell you that you are growing morbid; that you will lose your worldly credit, and will make yourself unacceptable to the world; they will prognosticate your premature old age, the ruin  of your material prosperity; they will tell you that in the world you must live as the world does; that you can be saved without all this fuss; and much more of the like nature.

Let us leave the blind world to make as much noise as it may,—like a bat molesting the songbirds of day; let us be firm in our ways, unchangeable in our resolutions, and perseverance will be the test of our self-surrender to God, and our deliberate choice of the devout life.”

He promises,

“Believe me, if you will but persevere you will not fail to enjoy a sweetness so real and satisfying, that you will be constrained to confess that the world has only gall to give as compared with this honey, and that one single day of devotion is worth more than a thousand years of worldly life.”

Come chat about  them on Sunday August 31 at 7:30PM EST at the Living Jesus Chat Room.

Our discussion will be guided by these questions:

  1. Do you think that critical comments of others is a great deterrent to the devout life? How?
  2. Where do these criticisms come from in your life? From friends? Those who have authority over you? The media?
  3. Who are these worldly friends that St. Francis speaks of? Do you have any of them? Should you?
  4. What are the worldly ways? Why are they appealing to us?
  1. What are YOUR difficulties in persevering in your choices, spiritual or otherwise?

Join us this Sunday for our Chat Room

Come to our Living Jesus Chat Room, 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM Eastern Time U.S. this Sunday. Sign up here and get your own username, or just come on Sunday and sign in as a guest. Seats are limited so, come on time.

Share with others who are journeying the same path as you. A Visitation Sister will guide you.