How can we regain the importance and power of intercessory prayer? How do we emphasize the importance of intercessory prayer amidst a world that measures everything with scientific scrutiny and certainty? Like Elijah from the quote, how can we allow our presence (our very selves) to become a prayer? Pope Francis equates intercessory prayer with a struggle. How might we gain the strength to courageously fight with our  intercessory prayers in times of spiritual dryness/battle?

From the quote by the Pope, what do we think this “frankness in prayer” is?

Sr Katherine says: I often feel that I pray and pray and really, after awhile  I have a faint heart about it-b/c nothing seems to change. but I read this that made sense so me. With intercessory prayer, one can make the intention in prayer, continue in life’s duties, in doing all that we have to do, and leave it to God. That way, we surrender it and we trust God to do with it what God has planned. We have someone very powerful working with us. This intention, this person, this situation is constantly before God and we can go joyfully with a trusting heart and refer to it now and again in prayer. In our faith life, trust is primary.

Sister Susan Marie: How do you find this topic- helpful or not?


Dawn L: helpful, as I believe I misunderstood intercessary prayer and not quite sure I understand fully now.

Nov 16 2014, 7:18 PM

Sister Susan Marie: I am waiting for the whole letter to be translated- but I thought the prayer part would be good to discuss

Sister Susan Marie: What is confusing to you about it?

7:20 PM

Dawn L: I thought of intercessary prayer as a prayer I did for others, when now I think it is when we pray to Jesus and he intercedes for us. or Mary?

Nov 16 2014, 7:20 PM

Sister Susan Marie: I think it can be a simple prayer for another person


Sister Susan Marie: Mary intercedes for us, yes and Jesus does too, before the Father


Dawn L: so it is all three!


Sister Susan Marie: When we pray for another we can ask Mary to pray with us, or the saints


Sister Susan Marie: Yes I believe so. But the article was referring to consecrated persons as intercessors, specifically


Sister Susan Marie: Hi Carol Ann! Glad you’re here early-


Sister Susan Marie: Can’t intercessory prayer be us for others, or Mary for us, for ex


Carol Ann: Yes, me too. I might have to pop in and out of the room tonight, but i wanted to come for at least a little while.


Sister Susan Marie: The charismatics rely heavily on deep intercession

Sister Susan Marie: Yes, and laying on of hands- but for ex if you wanted to pray over me but I was not there, someone could sit in the chair and you would pray over them, if they were representing me

Sister Susan Marie: But becoming prayer is a challenge- a desert father I forget which said we should become like fire in prayer


Carol Ann: I did not know you could lay hands on someone in California and be praying for someone in New York. I know we do it all the time with silent prayer, but I would not have thought of laying hands


Sister Susan Marie: It is not done much I don’t think

Carol Ann: One of the reflections I read for today’s Gospel is that the one talent is prayer


Sister Susan Marie: That is very interesting- I never heard that. So did he person with the one talent not pray?


Carol Ann: If I follow the logic, he did not. People may have varying gifts of the Spirit, but everyone has one gift in common and that is prayer. If you do not pray, you cannot be saved, nor help others


Sister Susan Marie: Ah


Dawn L: interesting reflection on the one talent


Carol Ann: yes. most people think it’s something more “spectacular”


Sister Susan Marie: Did the reflection specify about the others- the ones with 5 talents and with 2?

Dawn L: the homily I heard today focused on the one talent being a gift he did not use….that could have been prayer?

Carol Ann: no, but the author assumed the others used whatever gift of the Spirit they had been given, in addition to using the talent of prayer

Carol Ann: I think it could really be any gift, depending on the individual,


Sister Susan Marie: Prayer is essential in the spiritual life but so many feel inadequate about praying


Dawn L: and we all have a gift!

Nov 16 2014, 7:33 PM

Sister Susan Marie: Yes. Do you know yours?


Sister Susan Marie: Some people find it hard to discover


Dawn L: not in a way I could describe. I feel when I was in nursing it was more obvious or there was more opportunity


Sister Susan Marie: I found out mine was administration, by always being put into those kinds of positions


Sister Susan Marie: Nursing is a very real gift.


Sister Susan Marie: WE have a Sister in the hospital and I need the nurse because I don’t have thta hands on touch or gift


Dawn L: that is a clue when something is continually put in front of us. so now I am think our gift can change or grow into/with other circumstances

Sister Susan Marie: Yes we grow when stretched by uncomforatble circumstances.


Sister Susan Marie: As for prayer I remember how I was first drawn to it-

Dawn L: how?


Sister Susan Marie: In the car coming back from some outing a friend said she was going to a prayer group and my heart leaped. I did not even pray much at the time


Sister Susan Marie: So others can lead us to our gifts as in that circumstance


Sister Susan Marie: Not that I would claim to be gifted per se but the life of prayer attracts me or I would not be in a Monastery!


Sister Susan Marie: ? How do we emphasize the importance of intercessory prayer amidst a world that measures everything with scientific scrutiny


Guest975 (guest): this is my first time joining the chat and am excited to learn and be a part of it-hello to all

Nov 16 2014, 7:41 PM


Dawn L: Sr Susan, first thing that comes to my heart is to be prayer in the world. I aspire to this prayer!

Dawn L: I live alone and have much solitude now so not so much struggle as when I was running

Sister Susan Marie: The solitude is a good grounding for prayer of the heart


Patricia W: Dawn I live alone as well …most times prayer is exhilirating for me but sometimes i do want to avoid it


Patricia W: i get confused with prayer…when I want to pray for someone, lets say, should i just say Lord help xyz or do i say, i offer this Hail Mary for xyz:47

Sister Susan Marie: I’d say both or either. More intensity- you might want to offer a Rosary, if the need is great

Patricia W: can prayer, or a life spent in prayer, as a secular person, be a vocation?


Sister Susan Marie: When a holy monk or saint prays, they may even sweat their prayer- hard work and also offer a penance for the person, or a sacrifice


Sister Susan Marie: Oh yes. It can be a vocation as a single secular person


Patricia W: wow



Patricia W: in deep times of prayer, I have felt the Lord answer me that my vocation is to pray/prayer

Nov 16 2014, 7:49 PM

Sister Susan Marie: contemplative prayer is like a gaze on the Lord


Sister Susan Marie: Of course we know vocal prayers


Sister Susan Marie: There is charismatic prayer- prayer tongues


Sister Susan Marie: Scriptural prayer, meditation




Sister Susan Marie: That’s an answer to prayer- feeling it is your vocation. 1

Sister Susan Marie: Let Jesus lead you

Patricia W: trying what if sometimes you pray and don’t feel anything…you feel like you are just saying words


Sister Susan Marie: Do you have the opportunity to pray before the Blessed Sacrament? or the image of the Lord perhaps

52 PM

Dawn L: yes, because I am not sure prayer is an emotion?


Patricia W: yes, i visit Eucharistic Adoration at least 2x a week and that’s when I feel the BEST!


Sister Susan Marie: That’s like a distraction in prayer- commonly it’s been said to stick to your prayer- feelings are not the gauge


Sister Susan Marie: You are With HIM!


Sister Susan Marie: Prayer is an act of the will not an emotion


Sister Susan Marie: Altho emotions can play a part- they are like consolations

Dawn L: that is simply and beautifully put!


Sister Susan Marie: But we need to pray in dryness and desolation too


Patricia W: as mentioned i live alone and sometimes i don’t feel like praying the rosary, but if i pray with Sister Angelica on EWTN or a podcast recording of someone praying the rosary, I do feel like it


Sister Susan Marie: Yes that is your form of community prayer!

Sister Susan Marie: There is power in group prayer and support. Creates an environment when we are physically together


Sister Susan Marie: St Francis de Sales said, ” Now there are three kinds of petition, each of which is made differently: The first is made by justice, the second is made by authority, and the third is made by grace. –


Patricia W: is there something similar when praying with a tv group or podcast recording?


Dawn L: that is consoling Sr and Patricia I also pray in those communities like MA or discerning hearts has beautiful rosary. because I do not have a physical community

Nov 16 2014, 7:57 PM

Sister Susan Marie: For you I think so. Mystically I suppose, yes even if those others don’t know you are united with them



Sister Susan Marie: Prayer is spritual and mystical, all ascending to God- we are united with other pray-ers whether we know it or not- all candles sending the smoke of prayerful hearts to God


Sister Susan Marie: Hi Sr M Roberta!

The petition which is made by justice cannot be called “prayer,” although we use this word, because in a petition of justice we ask for a thing which is due to us. –

Nov 16 2014, 8:02 PM

Patricia W: like?

Nov 16 2014, 8:02 PM

Sister Susan Marie:

Visitation Spirit


Dawn L: may I share a short story about prayer and last night? only

Nov 16 2014, 8:03 PM

Patricia W: thank you!


Sister Susan Marie: Yes



Sister Susan Marie: Sr M Roberta are you preparing for renewal of vows

Nov 16 2014, 8:07 PM

Dawn L: While watching y 5 mo old grand dtr last night Mother ANgelica pray the rosary came on. I held my baby and praying the rosay….she became so peaceful and still. she clasped her little hands together holding them close to her and was with us for the whole rosary.


Mary Roberta Viano: Yes, we’ll have three days of retreat before renewal of vows on Friday.


Carol Ann: that is so beautiful, Dawn


Patricia W: how sweet & beautiful


Sister Susan Marie: That is precious, Dawn and shows the power of prayer on an innocent soul of your grandchild

Mary Roberta Viano: SFdS says in prayer we approach God and consciously put ourselves in His Presence, and your granddaughter felt that, I’m sure.


Carol Ann: Do you think that Jesus comes down to us too?


Mary Roberta Viano: Yes, each Visitation sister does the same before the renewal of her vows on the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lady.


Dawn L: there, because I could feel His presence so strongly. babies are so pure and innocent…ah she felt what she could not say in words


Patricia W: how lovely


Sister Susan Marie: Oh yes, Jesus always is with us when we pray. “In the midst of us”


Dawn L: Sr Mary…this is beautiful time for you and the community. thank you for being a Sister


Sister Susan Marie: Dawn, look what the Pope just said!Christians must lead by example in order to transmit the faith to their children, who are the future and called to live as Jesus did. Pope Francis made these reflections during his morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta on Friday.

According to Vatican Radio, children from a local Roman parish were present in the chapel. During the Mass, the Pope stressed that actions speak louder than words.


Mary Roberta Viano: In SFdS’s TLG he says “where love reigns there is need for neither sound of exterior words nor use of sense to speak to and to be heard by one another.”

Mary Roberta Viano: And in our local parish church 5 babies were baptized this morning – 5 new members of Christ’s Body!


Patricia W: how interesting-in Eucharistic Adoration I just gaze at the Lord, no words arise, no thoughts, just being with Him


Patricia W: how interesting-in Eucharistic Adoration I just gaze at the Lord, no words arise, no thoughts, just being with Him


Carol Ann: That’s a lot of babies! how exciting


Patricia W: wonderful!


Mary Roberta Viano: I like not to have to use lots of words in prayer, which I always had to do as a Presbyterian.

Nov 16 2014, 8:14 PM

Dawn L: beautiful guideance, all. my 2 grand babies, well their parents are not in the church. so I pray very much for them and with them when I can. beautiful 5 new babies!


Sister Susan Marie: St Jane de Chantal our Foundress said Visitation Sisters are drawn to a simple gaze on God


Carol Ann: St Teresa of Avila said once that she had seen Him looking back!


Mary Roberta Viano: That’s our charism: deepest possible humility before God and gentleness with each person we meet.


Carol Ann: St Teresa of Avila said once that she had seen Him looking back!

Sister Susan Marie: St Teresa received the mystical marriage I think


Mary Roberta Viano: The Italian priest that helped me on my journey into the Church said an elderly friend of his, who was asked how he prayed before the Tabernacle said, “I look at Him and He looks at me.”

Nov 16 2014, 8:17 PM

Carol Ann: I thought all sisters and consecrated virgins are mystically married?


Mary Roberta Viano: Yes, Carol Ann, and that means union with our Spouse in His sufferings and self-abnegation in the service of others.


Dawn L: this is beautiful charism


Sister Susan Marie: Yes but that term is also used for a specific type of experience, which highly mystical saints and holy ones have received

Nov 16 2014, 8:20 PM

Carol Ann: like a vision?


Sister Susan Marie: Yes I would call it that


Mary Roberta Viano: There’s the famous statue you can find thru google images of the Passion of St. Teresa (of Avila), which shows that mystical, spousal experience.


Sister Susan Marie: the phrase mystical marriage has been taken in two different senses, the one wide and the other more restricted.

(1) In many of the lives of the saints, the wide sense is intended. Here the mystical marriage consists in a vision in which Christ tells a soul that He takes it for His bride, presenting it with the customary ring, and the apparition is accompanied by a ceremony;(new Advent)


Guest1145 (guest): There’s also a lovely painting showing St. Catherine of Siena

Mary Roberta Viano: SFdS says “the climax of loving ecstasy is when our will rests not in its own contentment but in God’s”

Mary Roberta Viano: “or when it has contentment not in its own will but in God’s.” (TLG)

Mary Roberta Viano: i.e., when I / we are totally given…

Patricia W: that’s beautiful and although i wouldn’t say i’ve experienced that exactly, when i do feel i am doing God’s will, there is total peace, calm, a feeling of purity, freedom


W: although i am an imperfect sinner


Carol Ann: and each Sister has this mystical marriage at final vows, whether or not she sees a vision?


Patricia W: or maybe i should say a perfect


Mary Roberta Viano: Each sister knows she is given herself completely and definitively to her Spouse – to do with her as He pleases. 8:27 PM

Mary Roberta Viano: has given herself

Mary Roberta Viano: and when she finds herself resisting her vow of full obedience to her Superior, who stands in the place of Christ to her, she knows something is wrong

Patricia W: in intercessory a specific prayer better (war to end in ABC country)than a general prayer (i.e. peace for the world)?


Dawn L: Sr Susan was explaining 2 kinds of mystical marriage…so how does this occur when you take final vows…or which one is in place?


Patricia W: for example, i pray that my sister come back to our Catholic faith versus i pray for my sister, etc?


Sister Susan Marie: I think it is a matter of intensity Patricia but also any petition is open to the Will of God


Mary Roberta Viano: St. Monica prayed continually for her son, St. Augustine’s return to the Church.


Sister Susan Marie: Dawn, no visions for most of us


Mary Roberta Viano: just simple obedience


Dawn L: oh, that would be the more restricted union?


Sister Susan Marie: Yes restricted according to the definition above


Dawn L: ok. I believe simple obedience is. Mary did. Christ did/

Mary Roberta Viano: which is really just responding in love to what’s asked of us – doing the next loving thing

Mary Roberta Viano: speaking of which, I have to get tomorrow’s music and breakfast ready of the sisters

Dawn L: oh. in articel Vow Prep , Fr says ask for nothing, refuse nothing. that is obedience?


Mary Roberta Viano: I’ll be praying this week for you all – my virtual prayer partners.


Patricia W: thank you-ill be praying for you also


Carol Ann: Many blessings this week and I will pray for all of us too


Dawn L: goodnight everyone. (just thought of Judy.) blessings to all.


Guest1145 (guest): Good night. Bye

Nov 16 2014, 8:36 PM

Sister Susan Marie: 830 here!


Carol Ann: oh yes, I’m behind! i forget that all the time


Carol Ann: pardon the pun


Patricia W: God Bless You all-thank you for participating in a wonderful online forum

Nov 16 2014, 8:37 PM

Sister Susan Marie: That is a typical phrase of St Francis de Sales


Sister Susan Marie: ask for nothing refuse nothing we can talk about it in future. Have a blessed week!


Patricia W: God Bless You all-thank you for participating in a wonderful online forum