Sr Marie BernaudGuarding Our Thoughts

At the heart of summer, contrary to the spirit of the world that suggests relaxing the body and mind, the foundress of the Guard of Honor, Sister Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud invites us to ” focus ” on the essential of our lives! After all, this summer that allows us to break with the pace of our busy lives- is it not just conducive to this kind of consideration? Let us trust our founder who wanted to transform our lukewarm souls to fervent and burning souls for Christ!

Have we ever thought about the magnificence of the field which God has made us stewards of when he made us master our thoughts? Man, created in the image of God, has the eminent faculty to get to know, to think, to analyze, judge … Such is the wonderful and vast field of thought!

But who will weigh the value of our intellectual operations ? As the stem of the root, the fountain of its source, the radius of his home …. speech springs from our thoughts! But since the word issues from the thought,  how will we answer to God for our every thought.

Take the decision to aggressively adjust our thoughts in the morning, put a bridle on our wandering mind, this fiery steed that carries us far from heaven and often pulls us into the abyss, walking on a thousand chimeras, enjoying a  thousand trifles, agitated, worried, moving in any direction and too often  negatively judging . It takes real courage to vigorously combat the differences of thought, to stop the mind from wandering when it rests upon dangerous or useless topics and bring it in line. How our prayers, our Eucharistic worship, our communion would be easy, if we  wisely governed our thoughts!


This beautiful program, we can strive to succeed in it, not least during our time out! Instead of allowing ourselves to be invaded by vain thoughts or our imagination, we can offer the best  under the gaze of Jesus. What a beautiful tribute to our Lord we will make. Without anyone knowing, we will be worshiping in spirit and truth, and thus we will avoid many mistakes and will acquire countless merits! (Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)