Given the recent tragedies in France, how can the simplicity and humility of Jesus be the answer to all of this violence?
How can the love that Jesus exhibits for the Father provide us an answer to the violence and problems of the world?
What do you think is the value of simplicity?

How was the Profession? Hi Mother!

Nov 22 2015, 7:26 PM

SrSusan (guest): Graces flowed I am sure

Nov 22 2015, 7:26 PM

Dawn L: was it so beautiful, the picture you posted was. and you had renewal of vows. what a joyful day!

Nov 22 2015, 7:26 PM

Lisa C: Father Peter is angelic

Nov 22 2015, 7:27 PM

SrSusan (guest): Yes it was a wonderful combination of first vows and renewal. Fr Peter leaves tomorrow for Fargo


Lisa C: Sister Mary Elizabeth shares my name Saint!

Nov 22 2015, 7:28 PM

SrSusan (guest): I posted a short video but I need the webmaster;’s help

Nov 22 2015, 7:28 PM

SrSusan (guest): How’s that- Lisa and Elizabeth- oh yes!

Nov 22 2015, 7:29 PM

Dawn L: I look foward to seeing video

Nov 22 2015, 7:29 PM

SrSusan (guest): Hi Judy!


Judy K: Hi Everyone, hi Mother! I am glad that you had such a special day yesterday.

Nov 22 2015, 7:29 PM


Lisa C: Sister is so lucky to have Father Peter

Nov 22 2015, 7:30 PM

SrSusan (guest): He is very wise for such a young priest; solid too

5, 7:31 PM

Lisa C: As soon as I got to the Chapel I felt amazing peace

Nov 22 2015, 7:31 PM

SrSusan (guest): That’s a gift!!

:31 PM

Lisa C: It happens every time

Nov 22 2015, 7:31 PM

SrSusan (guest): Thank you for being here!

015, 7:31 PM

Lisa C: Thank you for having me

Nov 22 2015, 7:31 PM

SrSusan (guest): Peace and simplicity sort of go together I think

5, 7:32 PM


Judy K: I had a tough time with the questions for tonight. I couldn’t quite see simplicity and violence as being opposites.

Nov 22 2015, 7:33 PM

Dawn L: good thought Mother, this is true I think too

015, 7:33 PM

SrSusan (guest): How would you have phrased their differences Judy? 7:35 PM


SrSusan (guest): Simplicity is the opposite of complexity

Nov 22 2015, 7:36 PM

SrSusan (guest): so where can we place violence I guess?

7:36 PM

Lisa C: Place violence in hell

Nov 22 2015, 7:37 PM

Dawn L: in the complexity?

Nov 22 2015, 7:37 PM

Lisa C: It is the opposite of charity

Nov 22 2015, 7:37 PM

Judy K: I don’t know that I could or would have. I responded to the first question about the simplicity and humility of Jesus as the answer to the violence. His simplicity and humility are the pattern of life which, if adopted by all people would bring an end to violence. Humility is shown in obedience to God. Violence is the action of one who thinks that he is superior, or who wants to be superior. Violence is the way of achieving superiority–to eliminate the opponent.

Nov 22 2015, 7:37 PM

Lisa C: of the opposite of gentleness

Nov 22 2015, 7:37 PM

SrSusan (guest): Yes, the article said: He is simple upon Calvary. No bitterness, no re­proach for those who crucify Him nor for the throng who outrage Him. No thought of Himself, not a single complaint.


Carol Ann: Judy, I hear you saying that in a way, violence is the opposite of true humility. the violent are putting themselves in God’s place, judging who should live or die

Nov 22 2015, 7:38 PM

SrSusan (guest): He is conscious only of God and the souls of sinners. He thirsts for these souls. He pardons them. He promises them an eternity in Paradise. He bequeaths to them His Mother.

5, 7:39 PM

Judy K: M-m-m, that rings true. 40 PM

Dawn L: the simplicity of our Blessed Mother Mary, whom Islam has a great devotion for, it is through her that peace and conversion of souls could come. just a thought

Nov 22 2015, 7:41 PM

SrSusan (guest): Usually we think of gentleness vs violence; at one point our Federation’s motto for a 6 year period was a gentle presence in a violent world

7:41 PM

Carol Ann: Yes, Mary is the key to Bringing Muslims to Christ1 PM

Judy K: In actuality, the terrorists are putting themselves in God’s place and deciding that those who do not share their beliefs should die.

Nov 22 2015, 7:41 PM

Lisa C: I think a huge chunk of the world is not violent

Nov 22 2015, 7:42 PM


, 7:42 PM

Carol Ann: Yes, Judy, that is what they are doing. All about the plain of Megiddo, as though they are trying to trigger Armageddon

Nov 22 2015, 7:42 PM




Judy K: Yes, Lisa, I think so too. I think that most people are horrified by what is taking place in the world. To retaliate would be to submit to violence as well. Somehow it must be discovered how to overcome violence with peacl.

Nov 22 2015, 7:44 PM

Lisa C: Pope Benedict seems to say that Islam is destructive to the world and society

Pope Benedict Was Right Warning About Radical Islam

Nov 22 2015, 7:44 PM

Judy K: Peace.

5, 7:45 PM

SrSusan (guest): Then the Queen of Peace and the Rosary are important and holy instruments for us, 7:46 PM

Dawn L: its important to have some awareness of things going on so we can offer prayers , at same time important to see it is darkness that wants to consume souls.

Nov 22 2015, 7:46 PM

Judy K: I feel sorry for the members of the Islamic religion who are against the ways of the terrorists. When I was working at the time of 9/11, one of our psychiatric residents came into my office the next morning in tears and apologizing for what “his people” had done to us.

Nov 22 2015, 7:46 PM

SrSusan (guest): The article also gave a hint , maybe, here: To all the questions put to Him, to all the traps laid for Him, and to all the outrages proffered Him, He al­ways replies by speaking of His Father, of the offenses and insults offered to God, and of the love, confidence, and submission that all owe to Him.

47 PM

Carol Ann: Could any of us be strong enough to do the same?

Nov 22 2015, 7:48 PM

Carol Ann: has been running daily excerpts from the 33 days of glory

Nov 22 2015, 7:48 PM

SrSusan (guest): Only with the Holy Spirit Who comes at the right moment

015, 7:49 PM

SrSusan (guest): Carol Anne, in prep for consecration? 5, 7:51 PM

Dawn L: we could not be strong enough alone51 PM

Judy K: Jesus’ love for His Father is shown in His constant obedience. Such obedience to God would bring an end to violence which is not God’s will as shown in His response to the murder of Abel. But then, there is the problem of the terrorists who feel that they are being obedient to God and that we are not. The main problem is the divergence in belief in the nature of God–that is Who is truly God, the God of the Christians, or Allah.

Nov 22 2015, 7:51 PM

Carol Ann: I am not sure. I found it a few days after it started, so I am not sure if they are posting the entire book online or only excerpts

52 PM

Judy K: the presentation of 33 Days to Morning Glory is in preparation for the Consecration to take place on December 8th.

Nov 22 2015, 7:52 PM

SrSusan (guest): We know Jesus won the Victory at the Crucifixion and Resurrectio


Carol Ann: I thought that because we are two of the three religions that beleive only in one God, that we are brothers with Muslims

Nov 22 2015, 7:52 PM

SrSusan (guest): Each generation has spiritual warfare though


Lisa C: I wonder whether Jesus won when he said yes to God the night before the crucifixion

Nov 22 2015, 7:53 PM

Carol Ann: Well, today was day 18. Could this be the whole book they’re doing?

Nov 22 2015, 7:53 PM

Lisa C: That was when He gave His will to God the Father

Nov 22 2015, 7:54 PM

Judy K: They are not presenting the whole book, but Father Gaitley is speaking in videos about aspects of the Consecration.Reading the book is part of the preparation.

Nov 22 2015, 7:54 PM

Dawn L: maybe Carol Anne. I think you ( one) can catch up on the daily prayers to be ready for Consecration

Nov 22 2015, 7:54 PM

Lisa C: Not that He had not given it before, but when you say yes to something hard it may be harder than actually doing it

15, 7:55 PM

SrSusan (guest): Jesus was facing a violent death and He needed to say His yes again, for us to realize it more fully?


Carol Ann: I haven’t been watching the videos, just reading the entries and praying the prayers

Nov 22 2015, 7:55 PM

Dawn L:

Total Consecration – The Original Extreme Makeover (Spiritual Edition)

Nov 22 2015, 7:56 PM

Lisa C: God does not force things on us. He asks us to surrender our wills.

Nov 22 2015, 7:56 PM

Lisa C: I find giving in harder than actually doing a thing

Nov 22 2015, 7:56 PM

Judy K: It is really bizarre to think that the gentle, humble, simple Jesus was the recipient of such violence.

Nov 22 2015, 7:57 PM

Carol Ann: that;s not the one I’m reading. it’s that’s putting it up

Nov 22 2015, 7:57 PM

Dawn L: I think one can start at beginning and catch up

57 PM

Judy K: Yes, Dawn, Fr. Gaitley says that at the beginning of the series.

Nov 22 2015, 7:58 PM

SrSusan (guest): I think He faced His death with simplicity- He did not go into all kinds of complicated dialogue with His father- just asked if the cup could pass and then accepted it- thy will be done

Nov 22 2015, 7:58 PM

Dawn L: for the 33 days to morning glory? I was thinking for Carol if she does not have one of the books what would be complete and online

Nov 22 2015, 7:58 PM

Carol Ann: i’m sorry, but shouldn’t I follow the one I started?

Nov 22 2015, 7:59 PM

SrSusan (guest): No analyzing or arguing; simple plea from His Heart and a simple yes

Nov 22 2015, 7:59 PM

Lisa C: Then he sweat blood

59 PM

Carol Ann: analyzing sounds like my pitfall

Nov 22 2015, 7:59 PM

SrSusan (guest): Yes- I don’t think that’s so simple

7:59 PM

Lisa C: I don’t find it simple

Nov 22 2015, 8:00 PM

Guest1016 (guest): Humility and simplicity

Nov 22 2015, 8:00 PM

Dawn L: no analyzing weakness there

Nov 22 2015, 8:00 PM

Lisa C: Humble not simple

5, 8:01 PM

Lisa C: No

Nov 22 2015, 8:01 PM

Guest1016 (guest): To be humble is to put the will of another before your own

Nov 22 2015, 8:01 PM

Judy K: When I say the Rosary with Mother Angelica’s nuns, they show pictures of the mysteries during the recitation. In one of the pictures of the Agony in the Garden, the artist has done such a marvelous job that I can actually see Jesus shuddering as He prays. The fear and dread are written on His face.

Nov 22 2015, 8:02 PM

Guest1016 (guest): Simplicity is doing the will of another – God

5, 8:03 PM

Dawn L: powerful sorrowful image Judy

Nov 22 2015, 8:03 PM

Carol Ann: I was taught that humility is accepting the truth about yourself and others

Nov 22 2015, 8:03 PM

Carol Ann: and that we naturally want to serve others then

4 PM

Dawn L: that is beautiful explanation Carol

Nov 22 2015, 8:04 PM

Lisa C: Mother, that question made me laugh, because I thought it depends on whether you are armed

Nov 22 2015, 8:04 PM

Dawn L: I would answer yes Mother

Nov 22 2015, 8:05 PM

Lisa C: Sorry, it is an army thing I guess

Nov 22 2015, 8:05 PM

Guest1016 (guest): We can. But that doesn’t mean we won’t experience some fear

8:05 PM

Carol Ann: Jesus did promise that the Spirit would instruct us what to do, and we would have to be in humility to hear Him8:06 PM

Lisa C: Back to the reality of God…….you would be humbled by danger if it were real danger, because you could die and that makes you realize how much you need God

Nov 22 2015, 8:06 PM

Judy K: I think that facing danger can instill humility in us. We see the one presenting the danger as superior to ourselves and therefore we are humbled before him.

7 PM

SrSusan (guest): What about if we are facing danger from an animal- there is one time I am not proud of when I was chased by a goose!

Nov 22 2015, 8:07 PM

Guest1016 (guest): Humility accepts who we are and recognizes where our strength comes from to face danger

Nov 22 2015, 8:08 PM

Lisa C: You are so cute Mother.

Nov 22 2015, 8:08 PM

Dawn L: a goose… giggle giggle

Nov 22 2015, 8:08 PM

SrSusan (guest): I was praying the rosary at the time but when the goose went after me I still ran and I don’ t think I was praying anymore

8:08 PM

Guest1016 (guest): That strength is the Holy Spirit

Nov 22 2015, 8:08 PM

Judy K: We experience fear because we see the one threatening us as having the upper hand, as having the capacity to end our lives.

09 PM

SrSusan (guest): The martyrs definitely receive special strength

Nov 22 2015, 8:09 PM

Carol Ann: You were smart Mother, geese are mean!


Guest1016 (guest): Didn’t Christ fear what was going to happen to Him when He was in the Garden praying?

Nov 22 2015, 8:10 PM

Lisa C: At night in Afghanistan walking back from the aid station alone in the dark with Afghans on the base, I did feel better about being armed, but I knew I would never use the guns. I just thought if I have them people would probably leave me alone.

8:11 PM

Judy K: That is not funny Mother. A family across the street from me a number of years ago, kept a duck in the back yard. He had the run of the area. One time a delivery man came to the home next door with a pizza. Suddenly, he came virtually flying down the driveway with the duck in hot pursuit, wings fully extended and going at the man. I thought that the there should be a sign “Beware of attack duck.” He was really ferocious.

Nov 22 2015, 8:11 PM

Lisa C: Hi Sister Mary Roberta

Nov 22 2015, 8:12 PM

Mary Roberta Viano: Hello! Back from my retreat.


Mary Roberta Viano: Yes, at the Benedictine abbey, St. Anselm’s, across town. Thanks for your prayers!

Nov 22 2015, 8:13 PM

Dawn L: the enormous sacrifice, bearing the sins of the world, this is hard to imagine. we perceive it as fear, but it must have been more than this. a preparation…to overcome the world

Nov 22 2015, 8:13 PM

Mary Roberta Viano: So how to we avoid the violence around us? There were surveillance planes flying over our city all night long last night!

Nov 22 2015, 8:14 PM

Dawn L: Hi Sr Mary Roberta

Nov 22 2015, 8:14 PM

Judy K: That must create a feeling of uneasiness!

8:14 PM

Mary Roberta Viano: Hello, Dawn! And our headmaster and principal are working on more lock-down measures for our students.

Nov 22 2015, 8:15 PM

Guest1016 (guest): I’m not sure we can avoid the violence but we could control how we respond to it

Nov 22 2015, 8:15 PM

Lisa C: Just think statistically to stay brave. 8 or 10 million people in NYC. 3000 got killed in the 911 attack.


Mary Roberta Viano: Yes, but if you or your loved ones were among those 3000…

Nov 22 2015, 8:16 PM

Lisa C: Of course you still are affected by the 3000

Nov 22 2015, 8:16 PM

Lisa C: Everyone knew someone

Nov 22 2015, 8:17 PM

Lisa C: It is just you have to not be paralyzed by fear of living

Nov 22 2015, 8:17 PM

Judy K: It just to me that being a terrorist is a type of counter-cultural life style. Most of us are seeking to live in peace in our families, neighborhoods and society. But the terrorists live a way of violence and inflicting suffering on others.

Nov 22 2015, 8:17 PM

Judy K: It just occurred to me…

7 PM

Mary Roberta Viano: SFdS counsels in the INTRO: “Be not angry in any way…This wretched life is but a journey to the happy life to come. Let us not be angry with one another on the way.” Hard to do with ISIS! :18 PM

Dawn L: taking measures to be safe ,now, esp for children is a prudent thing to do.

Nov 22 2015, 8:18 PM

SrSusan (guest): A real test to love one’s “enemy” but no soul should be an enemy if we desire the soul;’s salvation- how difficult hough

19 PM

Carol Ann: Sr. is St. Francis speaking of unrighteous anger or anger in general? Anger seems to be the inescapable emotion, but the sin is in what we do with it? PM

Dawn L: maybe praying often for a supernatural conversion of those….praying alot for Our Ladys intercession to lead souls to her son

Nov 22 2015, 8:20 PM

Carol Ann: I wish the salvation of those who have hurt me, even if it is not safe for me to be with them

Nov 22 2015, 8:20 PM

Lisa C: Mother, I think it is just our grace to be the ones who know about Jesus. The others do not. They would not do what they do if they did. So we can only feel sorry for their lack of grace and that way it is easier to not hate them

Nov 22 2015, 8:20 PM

Mary Roberta Viano: And in a letter of direction SFdS wrote: “I think you would gain great deal if you could keep from being so anxious, for that is one of the greatest obstacles to devotion and real virtue.”

1 PM

Lisa C: If we pray for the salvation of everyone we can pray that they come to know Jesus and get paid the same wages in the end even though they were not working with Him from the beginning

Nov 22 2015, 8:21 PM

Judy K: Terrorism is a negative way of living. To spend one’s life inflicting suffering on others is a totally perverse way of living. Indeed, it might be called a sickness. While we certainly fear these people, we might also pity them for such a negative life style. Certainly we all should pray for their conversion which is something I do daily.

Nov 22 2015, 8:21 PM

Mary Roberta Viano: Yes, unfortunately Christ the King is not king of ISIS! Maybe if we pray to their Guardian Angels…

:22 PM

Carol Ann: who must be weeping even now

Nov 22 2015, 8:22 PM

Lisa C: I think about the terrorists who blow themselves us and think when they die they see Jesus and say oh my goodness what have I done. I am so sorry

Nov 22 2015, 8:22 PM

Lisa C: up

Nov 22 2015, 8:23 PM

Mary Roberta Viano: and when they blow themselves up, they believe they’re being heroes! So strange!

Nov 22 2015, 8:24 PM

Lisa C: We are just blessed to know God now

8:24 PM

Lisa C: It is not from anything we do right

Nov 22 2015, 8:25 PM

Judy K: Christ the King, one of my favorite images of Jesus! But His a King Who reigns from a cross. What a strange throne! But it surely draws people to Him. Recall His words “And if I be lifted up, I will draw all things to Myself.”

015, 8:25 PM

Dawn L: when graphic images are watched ( of the horror) I think this is a way, and why they post, to draw us into their darkness. so for me , important not to view those things if possible. because…Pope Francis says : “this is not human”

Nov 22 2015, 8:25 PM

Carol Ann: es, knowledge of God is a grace from him. This makes me think of St Teresa of Calcutta’s vision. I thirst for souls, bring them to me

26 PM

SrSusan (guest): Yes continually bringing them before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament

Nov 22 2015, 8:26 PM

Lisa C: For Thanksgiving we should be thankful to know Jesus now

8:27 PM

Judy K: The simplicity that Jesus seeks in us is the simplicity of the child who follows the will of the parents, loves the parents, absolutely trusts the parents and thus keeps a peaceful atmosphere. PM

Mary Roberta Viano: One of the Benedictine monks (now deceased) at St. Anselm’s, Fr. Stephen Reid, was an artist/sculptor, and his square crucifix is in their chapel. The idea of the square crucifix, which looks lighter, is that Jesus is lifting it and offering it to us. Interesting!

Nov 22 2015, 8:29 PM

Mary Roberta Viano: His whole world is certainly carrying it now!

8:29 PM

Judy K: The greatest gift that we have received from the Lord is our relationship with Him. What more could we ask than intimacy with the King of King and Lord of Lords!! Our gratitude should overflow. Something for us to remember as we celebrate Thanksgiving this week.

Nov 22 2015, 8:30 PM

Mary Roberta Viano: True, Judy!

Nov 22 2015, 8:30 PM

Dawn L: Yes, Judy, the greatest gift!

Nov 22 2015, 8:30 PM

Carol Ann: Amen Judy!

Nov 22 2015, 8:31 PM

Mary Roberta Viano: I have to get music and breakfast ready for tomorrow, so I bid you Good Night and Happy Thanksgiving! Begging your prayers, you have mine!

:32 PM

Guest1016 (guest): Good night and peace and safety to all

Nov 22 2015, 8:32 PM

Judy K: Perhaps the remembrance of this great gift will help us to ally the fears that come with the craziness of this time. If God is for us, who can be against! Good night everyone and have a wonderful and grateful Thanksgiving. Peace be with you, and the many blessings of the loving Father.

Nov 22 2015, 8:33 PM

Dawn L: Amen Sr Mary! Happy Thanksgiving to you and all our sisters in Christ in here. Mother Susan