Dear friends,

We are entering a new liturgical year and we are about to experience the adventure of the Jubilee of Mercy.
As the gardener prepares the soil before planting seeds to ensure a good harvest, we are also preparing our hearts!
Do not hesitate to work on our “soil” inside to enjoy the graces and blessings the Lord wants to give us.
For help, follow the advice of our founder, Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud.
A sweet and holy season of Advent to all!

Sr Marie BernaudPeace

What incomparable treasure is that peace! The Word of God became incarnate for us to restore this lost treasure due to original sin. From birth the angels sang “Peace to men! “And before going up to heaven, Jesus himself says” my peace I leave you, my peace I give you “Indeed, let there be no mistake, the peace that the world offers us is not true peace! The Holy Spirit asserts, peace is the only exclusive sharing of God’s children.

St. Francis de Sales said that peace was the result of three triads: the agreement of our soul with God, with others and with ourselves. But the condition of this peace, it is paradoxically  war! The war against ourselves. Indeed, to be in agreement with God, we must remain faithful to the precept of his law by defeating the deceitful world that draws us into all sorts of temptations and illusions. To keep peace with his neighbor, we must fight to avoid reacting to inconsistencies or disputes, we must take upon ourself avoiding  oppressions and injustices … Finally to acquire peace with oneself, that of continuous fighting is needed -to dominate our passions and overcome our bad habits! Peace is the price of incessant struggles!

A daily battle of strength, every Christian eventually reaps the fruits deliciously! The subdued passions, nature dominated , he then enters his rest in the tranquility of the established order, in this inner peace that  the Apostle Paul says is “the peace that surpasses all feeling.”

Sow peace, give peace, be angels of peace! Pacify allaround us, pacify troubled hearts, appease  revolts, calm down  restless spirits, sometimes a good  word is enough ! As with the angels, we can sing: “Glory to God, peace to men, great joy on earth! “And we glorify our beloved King who proclaimed himself” Prince of Peace “!