Our Lent continues and leads us to the sorrowful Holy Week. The month will end in the victorious Light of the Resurrection. To take advantage of the Easter graces, we must stay the course and hope to maintain our heart rooted in our effort. Sister Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud brings us valuable advice for us to  “lower” ourselves and participate in the sacred mysteries of the cross!


Sr Marie Bernaud“As indicated by the etymology of the word condescend is to go down willingly, which means adjusting to the way of thinking and the will of others and  transfer one’s  right to the benefit of another, and almost always in exercise of self-denial! Now all this seems diametrically opposed to our often haughty nature which is dominating and imperious. The “I want” does not it direct our existence, our daily life, our social relations, is not it the pivot on which turns our individuality? Therefore, we understand better what is and what is costing us in an act of condescension. Certainly we are not talking about  transferring  all and in all circumstances, but condescension  brings charity, humility, the scent of sweetness,the  sweet fruit of abnegation and the source of peace.

Indeed,  this condescension is perfectly befitting a disciple of Christ, a guard of honor above all. Many opportunities come to us every day: so and so wants this … due to that place … supports such opinion … prefers such an object … well give in, condescend, even when it annoys us! By this we shall avoid disputes and we’ll be peacemakers!

The condescending soul is easy and enjoyable, it is  perfected by the incessant denial that it practices. God contemplates and blesses it. For this delicate attitude, it acquires as much control over others as it exerts on itself, one’s reward is already in one’s hands. But above all, in exercising that benevolence towards others, to the desires of those around him, it is Our Lord Himself that we deign to condescend and hence we imitate the process of His very gentle and very humble Heart who humbled Himself for each of us, and humbled himself unto death on the Cross.” (Sr Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)