ponet-80x150Our Lord Jesus Christ taught complete abandonment to the Father when He was on the Cross. This Holy Week we will once again hear His cry “My God, My God, why Have You abandoned Me?”

Visitandine Mother Ponnet sheds light on this act of abandonment for our religious charism.

She wrote: “God is no respecter of person: in all souls  he operates in proportion to their abandonment. If a soul receives in itself all the divine action it would be holy, greatly holy,so  holy that would amaze the angels, and say: “It’s the Lord’s work! »..

Our Lord deigned to show me the soul abandoned like a newborn baby who, put in the arms of his mother, took refuge more and more tightly in her, as if to penetrate the womb from which he came out  from, and without getting tired, took nourishment from his mother: that is how the child grows.
Likewise the soul that abandons all, that is lost in God, is pushed to plunge incessantly in him, and that’s how it grows in love and union ;that is the end of everything. Are we not down here to lead a divine life? In fact, the occupation of the three adorable Persons is to go from one to another, to pour out to each other, to unite, to love: the Father is contemplated by the Word; they love each other and that is the Holy Spirit; here is life. I read in the Treatise of the Love of God: “In heaven the blessed are in perpetual motion.”
I wonder: “Is Heaven measured according to  suffering? ». I seem to hear this answer: “Heaven, heaven’s glory is measured by love, according to the annihilation, according to the confidence that expects everything and receives everything.”
With the grace of God, this life is a life of amen, repeated acts of union and  of annihilation.”