We continue with Chapter 2

12034425_825490024239006_3803353481566924185_oWalk then generously in these low valleys, gathering, at the foot of the cross,   humility, since God himself, through the esteem he had for it, left for a time the exercise of his royalty, annihilating himself even to the opprobium of the cross.

By this, all are taught to practice the maxims of the apostolic spirit, and you that of your institute, which requires that, if you can be useful for his glory, laboring at any work whatever, and even in erecting other congregations of servants of God?without ever establishing yourselves, you would not on this account be less agreeable to his Divine Majesty ; practicing, by this means, humility in a sovereign degree ; and God, beholding in the center of your heart this amorous inclination to abjection, would no doubt establish you, and would raise you exceedingly in that kind of life to which he has called you. Leave yourself in simplicity to the guidance of this loving conductor, without considering whither you are going, but with whom. Now, you are going with your king and your crucified spouse ; for you go with him by abasing,humbling, and contemning yourselves, even to the death of all your passions, and, I may say, even to the death of the cross.