Sr-Marie-Bernaud-132x150From SR Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud

If there is an occupation and a concern that fascinates mankind almost completely, it is  to make money. We understand that with wealth, everything happens at will, according to our desires and even our whims. Such is the power of money! But if it enlarges the possibilities down here, it often reduces the  imperishable property of another life. How pitifully poor are the rich!

“Lay up for yourselves treasures where neither rust nor worms, nor thieves will destroy” (Math.6,19) says the Lord. Even better than a fortune, this is a realm that rewards our efforts, “Come ye blessed of my Father, take possession of the kingdom prepared for you since the world began. “(Math.25,34)

It is thereforeimportant  to know how to hoard for Heaven! And it starts every day in the morning with the firm will to act, to wait, to suffer and offer everything, sure that the Lord will use all.  When disappointments, frustrations of all kinds, arise, instead of rebelling,  wait patiently, for holy patience are precious pearls for heaven! Anguish seizes us, tortures us or breaks us,  offer them to our Lord will transformthem into eternal money! So every day we hoard for our place in the Kingdom. Do not be like  the number of foolish virgins, these souls unconscious after walking on earth without ever having thoughts to raise  treasures for heaven,  arrive at the gate of the blessed city and cry out, “Lord, open to us ! “(Math.25,11) while He will reply,” I do not know you “(Math.25,12)

Oour part in heaven will be that we have desired and deserved … to hoard as valiant guards of honor !