imagescac34012Holy Advent to all!

This is the favorite month of children! Will we be able to regain our childlike heart and marvel at the manger? But who says “child” also says … obedience! It is to this spirit of obedience that Sister Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud invites us during all this time of Advent, not to overwhelm us but rather to free us from many sterile and vain constraints that weigh down our lives!

The spirit of obedience

This precious disposition will attract to us the best graces!

Would one understand that the clay resists the hands of the one who kneads it? Monstrous would be the resistance of the creature to the hands of its Creator. By giving it and keeping it alive, it depends essentially and perpetually on Him. It is therefore necessary that we, who are his creatures, be like a ball of wax receiving the imprint, the form, the destination that He wants. Is it not perfect submission to God that has preserved the good angels in Heaven, while the revolt of others precipitated them into the abyss? Disobedience in the Garden of Eden  lost  Adam’s inheritance there,  but submission to the Will of God bore saints!

Even the entire creation is subject to God, its Creator. Nothing is done or perpetuated without His divine Will.

In contemplating our little King, abandoned to the care of his Mother, totally submissive to his Father in Heaven and to all the creatures of the earth, we will strive, for his sake, to soften our will, to the divine will manifested by providential events. With a docile heart, we will receive the inspirations of grace and strive to match it. We will let ourselves be turned and turned by all those who have any authority over us.

Thus we will imitate and honor the docility of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we will console and compensate him for the proud revolts of so many men who only want to trust themselves.

Let us remain in spirit at the foot of the divine cradle! With Mary and Joseph, fully submissive to the Will of God and with the multitude of angels coming to worship their divine King, ask them to fill us with the feelings of spirit of obedience that animated them then (Sister Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud )