By Him, with Him and in Him!

Jesus offers us a pleasant home in his Sacred Heart, He invites us to live His life by deifying all our acts and accomplishing them by Him, with Him and in Him!
Souls wishing to glorify their Creator wish to make love for love. And we, the inhabitants of his sweet Heart,through Him to the Father, we will act, we will suffer, we will love …Him whom we shall live! By Him, we will acquire an incalculable value for eternity.

With him ! What consolation to walk with such a Friend, to bear the weight of our days with such a charitable Savior, to feel Him fully present at all times to bring relief, consolation and when our days are sweet and easy . We beseech him to go with us, to pray to his Father with us, to work,to suffer, to rejoice with us!

In him ! To live by Jesus is so consoling and so sanctifying! But living in Him, absorbed in his Love, buried in his sweet Heart, is already to experience a form of bliss. That’s what we’re being invited to!  He tells us: “Not only, my child, is this Heart your dwelling, your inalienable heritage, but you have to live a life with it in  the nobility of such a home. I offer myself to you to make up for all that you lack.
It is by Me, with Me, in Me that you will arrive at that divine Will which makes you  the worthy host of thy Lord and thy God. “
How to refuse to correspond to such a request, which leads to holiness and happiness? All this month, we will compete for
faithfulness to clothe ourselves with Jesus Christ; At the beginning of each of our days, reaffirm our determination: through Him, with Him and in Him I want to serve God and love him with all my heart! (Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud}