Although South Korea is a developed country with good economic resources, having only 200 years of evangelization and being a Catholic minority, it can be said that it is still a country in mission. For this reason, the foundation of communities dedicated to contemplation should be encouraged especially the foundation in the new churches of communities devoted to contemplation, as requested by the Apostolic Exhortation Vita consecrata : “It must be stressed that in countries where they are firmly established non – Christian religions, the presence of the consecrated life acquires a great importance, both with educational, charitable and cultural activities, and with the sign of the contemplative life “(n 58).

The Order of the Visitation of Saint Mary wanted to respond to the need for evangelization in South Korea. Thus, in 2005, a community moved from Spain; at first they lived in a small house, with 4 rooms distributed between chapel-parlor, living room, and 2 common bedrooms, a very small space. At the time they asked the New Evangelization Fund for the construction of a monastery because they urgently needed a suitable place for their contemplative lifestyle.

In 2014, the New Evangelization Fund granted an aid of € 20,000. With the help of other institutions, the Monastery had the grace of blessing on October 31, 2015. The nuns were accompanied by the Bishops and Priests and many of the faithful who collaborated in the construction.

With the help of the benefactors, the work places have been adapted: bakery and preparation of hosts. Four rooms for retreatants were created. This is one of the apostolates that they are doing, since priests, religious and faithful, and even the Bishop, will often make their retreat. With the help of Jesuit priests, monthly retreats have been made to spread the devotion to the Sacred Heart. As the Monastery is located on the border with North Korea, logically the greatest apostolate is the prayer for the unity of these two countries in conflict for so many years.

Thanks to the fact that the Monastery is already established, the first Korean vocation has entered and other young people have approached with vocational concern.

With the help of the Church in Spain through the Fund New Evangelization it has contributed to the spread of the Gospel in this country with a Catholic minority. The sisters express their gratitude with the following words: “With all our heart we thank you, not only on our behalf but also on behalf of this Korean Church, for your generous help that has contributed to the construction of our beloved Visitation Monastery in these distant lands. ”
