Bourbilly Castle
When first married, Jane arranged for Mass to be said before the hunt, her husband’s favorite pastime. She had daily Mass offered at Bourbilly which she attended regularly and encouraged her servants to attend. When living with her father-in-law, she rose very early in the morning and rode horseback to Mass. She then managed to be back at the castle in time to have breakfast with him. She was very resourceful in order to be true to what was important to her. Jane took care of her devotions in a way that did not impose her will on others, but she made the good attractive to her children and the rest of the household. She did not manipulate others to do what she wanted, but she always found a way to take care of the things that were essential to nourish her faith. All was done in a gentle spirit and with a certain sense of humor.
Her husband was also expected to rise early for Mass. Once she told this story to the novices: “I remember how M. de Chantal used to like to sleep late in the morning; but I had to rise early in order to organize everything for the day. When it began to be late, I would go back to our bedroom and make some noise coming in so as to awaken him. Then I’d say there would be plenty of time for whatever he wanted to do that day after Mass had been said in the chapel. I’d begin to get impatient; I’d go and pull back the bed curtains and cry out, ‘ We’re late! We should both be up. The chaplain is already vested and he’s ready to begin Mass.’ and if all that didn’t wake him up, I’d take a lighted candle and hold it in front of his face and tease him until lie was awake and on his feet.”
Reflection questions:
I. How can we make the good attractive to others?
- Why is a sense of humor such a necessary and useful part of affection?
- How can we discover ways to do the things that nourish our faith?
- How do we fail to find ways to do the things that nourish our faith?
You were taught to put away your former way of life, your old self..and to be renewed in the spirit, and to clothe yourselves with the new self created according to the likeness of God in true holiness. (Ephesians 4: 22-24)
Pursue peace with everyone and the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.(Hebrews 12:14)
Join with me in suffering for the Gospel, relying on the power of God, who saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace. (2 Timothy 1:8,9)
Jane’s Words
Run cheerfully and lovingly in the ways of God’s good pleasure, my dear Sisters.
It is better to attract hearts by your modest Christian manner and by a spirit of gentle and gracious affability.
The strongest desire I have is to see you, my Sisters, earnest in doing your duty and in advancing toward holiness. . The mother’s love I bear you makes me long for your happiness and your spiritual profit.