Presence of God: “To feel God’s presence so intimately and powerfully, so that you are no longer aware of yourself is to have that little drop of water, self, dissolve in the ocean of divinity.”
Moderation: “Kindness, gentleness, and support, as well as generosity, do much for instilling moderation in our souls.”
God’s Will: “Let us love this good pleasure of God, and see it alone in all that happens to us, embracing all lovingly.”
Strength: “A generous heart does not know how to refuse anything to God. It demands nothing, placing all its confidence in his strength.”
Prayer: “In prayer, you must be as a vessel open and exposed before God that he may distill into it his grace, drop by drop, as he wills. God will fill your soul with this divine water if you come before him often with lively faith.”
Suppleness: “May God make us strong in his holy love and our souls soft and supple as a glove, or like a ball of warm beeswax in his hands, to be molded as he pleases.”
Self-Emptying: “To be lost in God, dear Sister, is nothing else than to be absolutely and wholly resigned and given over to the care of his loving providence.”