Today we begin sharing excerpts from St. Francis de Sales’ Spiritual Directory which can guide each of us in our daily actions.

These excerpts are taken from Sr. Joanna Wenzel VHM’s book, In the Midst of the World.

Her Dedication: For the glory of the Heart of God, that the hearts of many  may respond to Him in deep love through the message of these pages(posts)

The Great Intention

May your whole life and everything you do tend to unite you with God.

May your prayers, good works and the practice of the Christian virtues, above all that of charity, contribute to the life of the Church and to the salvation of your neighbor.

For this reason, may you desire nothing so much as to live an intensely spiritual life. Then, while pleasing God, your power for good will be communicated to the hearts of the faithful.

(page 4, In the Midst of the World)