These weeks of Lent are a time for us to get ready for the Passion of Our Savior Jesus Christ, but how can we best prepare for such a momentous commemoration?
St. Jane de Chantal advises us: We are going to commemorate the Passion of our Savior: let us strive to prepare ourselves for it by great purity of heart.
Let us look to our Savior in the excess of His sufferings and the excess of His love; let us keep our hearts always in these things, so that the Divine Spouse may communicate and give to them strength to suffer the things His hand shall send. All our sufferings are but trifles compared to those of our Savior, but then, His fatherly goodness sees all the weakness of our shoulders, which cannot carry greater burdens.
He has given Himself to us; let us give ourselves to Him and render Him thanks for the benefits which come to us by His sorrows.
Source: Conference 34