St. Francis de Sales reflected on the holy dispositions of Jesus while he remained on His Cross.
In St. Francis’ Good Friday sermon, he pondered: ” What was Our Lord doing during those three hours?
He was offering sacrifices of praise. It was particularly during those three hours that he did what St. Paul wrote: ‘He Prayed, he lamented, He complained with strong cries in the days when he was in the flesh’ (Heb.5:7),that is, during those three hours He complained to His Father, He wept and cried, trying to move all hearts to repentance.
O God! How many loving tears He shed during those three hours of meditation, how many sighs and sobs! How many and what kinds of pains pierced through the Sacred Heart of my Savior! No one can imagine but He who suffered them, and perhaps the sacred Virgin Our Lady, who was standing at the foot of the Cross. To her He communicated them, and she pondered them within her heart.”
St. Francis de Sales, Good Friday sermon, 1622