While the spirit of the Visitation rulesĀ is not limited to these few past exhortations by St. Francis de Sales, his comments do reflect the essence of the charism.
” Lastly, my dear daughters, we must love our Rules very much, since they are the means by which we attain their end, which is to lead us easily to the perfection of charity- that is, the union of our souls with God and with neighbor.Andnot only that, but the union of our neighbor with God, which we affect by means of these rules, means which are most sweet and gentle, for no sister is rejected for want of physical strength provided that she is willing to live according to the spirit of the Visitation.
This spirit is one of humility toward God and gentleness and sweetness towards our neighbor.
We ought piously to believe that these Rules were drawn up by His inspiration. They have been received by Holy Church and approved by His Holiness, and those are evident signs of their inspiration.”
Source: Conference XIII St Francis de Sales