St. Francis de Sales firmly asserts the reasons why he has been inspired to form the Order with a gentle spirit.
” The spirit of gentleness is so absolutely the spirit of the Visitation, that any one who should wish to introduce into it any more austerities than there are at present, would instantly destroy the Visitation.
This would more certainly be the case since it would be done in opposition to the very end and object for which the Order was instituted- namely, to be able to receive delicate women, maidens and widows, whose physical powers are not great enough, and who are not inspired and drawn to serve God by means of such austerities as are practised by other religious Orders.”
Source: Conference XIII St Francis de Sales
CONSIDERATION: The Visitation models two holy women who are with child, assisting one another, Blessed Mother and St. Elizabeth. Their physical condition is already an “austerity”.
What is your experience of gentleness and prayer?