St. Francis de Sales, Founder of the Visitation Order, knew that following the Will of God is essential to the Christian life and developed his theology around a profound understanding of His Will.
He took the time to share his thoughts in a Conference with his Visitation Sisters.
This short series over the next few posts will highlight some of his key teachings.
St Francis explained, ” Souls need enlightenment as to how they may recognize God’s will.
The will of God may be understood in two senses: there is God’s will made known to us ( His declared will) and there is the will of His good pleasure.
The divine will made known to us is divided into four parts: namely, the Commandments of God and of the Church, the Evangelical Counsels, inspirations and (for religious) the Rules and Constitutions.
There is also the will of God’s good pleasure which we must regard in all events and circumstances that may befall us.”
Source: Spiritual Conferences of St. Francis de Sales, Conference XV