Since October 2009, the Visitation Order was privileged to have a group of Vistandines living the the Vatican Monastery, Mater Ecclesiae.

Their time there is now drawing to a close, but, faithful to this spiritual adventure and mission, the Sisters have sent a a 21 page letter which we will share portions of in this blog over the next few weeks. The Sisters share the events over this past summer during the months of July and August.

Helicopter noise announced that our beloved Holy Father was going to Castel Gandolfo to spend a few months of well-earned rest.You cannot imagine how empty it feels at the Vatican when he is not there! It is true that we almost never see him, but … it’s so exciting to wake up in the morning, open the window and spot, almost within reach, the turret of the Apostolic Palace … or direct the final look of the day to the house of the Pope , with a prayer for him and saying from the bottom of my heart: Good evening, Your Holiness! Or  its bell that calls us to dinner at 7 pm, leading with his merry peal  greetings, and  our prayer for the Pope at that hour who walks a few meters from our Monastery.

O … hear the clatter of the policeman on duty that comes into the chapel just before the ride of the Pope, to make sure nobody gets into the monastery at that time,no more than half an hour, so he can take a short break to enjoy the beauty of nature, while praying the rosary.

Well, there are many little things that make us “feel” his presence, also physical, of our beloved “sweet Christ on earth” …

Now, in the summer months, he is a little farther in  distance, not in the heart!
And as we started talking about the Pope, we will continue telling more about our experience “directly” with him and his mission. Do you think so?

To Be continued…