Sunday’s Discussion: Role of miracles in our lives and in the Church.•What miraculous moments have occured in your own life?
•How do we distinguish Divine Providence from a miracle?
•Do miracles “produce” faith in non-believers? Or do they strengthen faith?
•Have extraordinary occurences brought you to belief or enhanced a long-standing faith?

Car: well, I was intrigued when I read tonites topic, so I did some homework.

Dec 16 2012, 7:33 PM

Sister : Great!


 People use the word miracle loosely sometimes

Ca: because with me getting my directors was either Divine Providence or a Miracle too!


 Car: seems a miracle is an exrraordinay form of D. Providence

 Both are from Gods intervention,


 Sister : Good way of putting it! Would you say that a miracle goes beyond nature while Divine Providence works thru nature?


Car: exactly! 

__R: yea, that makes sense!

Car: Also, a miracle has an effect on the witness, pointing to God.

 Sister : More obvious than Divine Providence?


 Car: Providence is easier to recognise in hindsight, unlike a miracle 

Sister : A miracle is recognized at once?

Car: I think so, if you have some belief already.


Car: have any of you experienced a miracle?


__R: yes


Car: want to share?

__R: Ok. I think I had multiple miracles all rolled into one.. It started with my widow maker heart attack. Statistically 90+% die from these, and those that don’t die immediately if they don’t get help in 1 hr die. I’m still here. I went 30+ hrs with mine. After surgery I had a 25% ejection fraction (amount of blood pumping through my heart- normal is 50-55%).


Car: wow.

__R: Last check my heart is normal, EJ of 52% and no damage at all, except I have this stint in my heart


Ca: that’s scary

__R: my Dr told me my heart is in better shape than most of his patients



__R: so that started my miracle. From there (I didn’t know I was Catholic) I prayed everyday because I had an experience during the heart attack to where I knew God was real. so I prayed daily to know what to believe. After 4 yrs of praying this I had a sudden urge to pray the Rosary and didn’t even know how. I printed a picture of one with instructions and felt so much peace after praying it, that I kept praying for days-several times a day. Then I started getting dreams that I am supposed to be Catholic.


__R: That’s how I ended up in Church.


__R: so it’s like one big miracle

Guest255 (guest): Just the other day, my mother in law was ill. So I was anxious of her condition while going to bed. So I thought of praying the rosary for her. Just then, my hubby walked into the room and said that he would visit her that time of the night. I do not know what to call it whether miracle or divine providence. But I was so relieved.

Dec 16 2012, 7:52 PM

Sister : Yes. And faith cannot be truly shaken when miracles and Divine Providence work like that

I’d say your prayer was answered guest 255 thru Divine Providence


Car: I think I saw a real miracle. When I attended my firstMass, not a Catholic, and at the elevation of the blessed host, a bright light shot from the back of the chapel to light up the cup and host.I knew it was God. but just to be sure, I looked around after Mass, saw no light fixtures or windows that could have been responsible. and it was a rainy day! I was in RCIA within a week. When it happened, everyone was standing. I felt the urge to throw myself on the floor, but did not want to didturb others,


Car: Disturb others


__R: wow


 I probably would have dropped to my knees


Ca: That was a miracle, but it seems like it was just for you!


__R: fast

Car: it affects me to this day. I dont think other saw it


Dec 16 2012, 7:55 PM

Sr (guest): Helped your faith grow instantly!



happen only for ussometimes things happen only for us


Sr (guest): Was that a production of faith or enhancement of faith?

Car: I still see a little bright light around the host at elevation, sometimes, but for the longest, I thought it was what everyone saw.


Car: pointed me in the direction of Catholicism, at a time when I was searching.


Dec 16 2012, 7:58 PM

Ca: He answered your prayer then in dramatic fashion


Car: I dont think non believers see miraces


Rob: there have been so many miracles of the Holy Euchartist


Ca: they might see the light though, and not believe their eyes


Car: right.

Dec 16 2012, 8:00 PM

Rob: And some prove beyond the shadow of the doubt the Holy Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Our Lord


Car: If we are blind to spiritual world, might be harder to see miracles?

Guest255 (guest): Sometimes the Monstrance holding the Holy Eucharist looks so bright during exposition, when there is no light focussed on it.

Rob: Yes, I have noticed that too, Guest 225



Car: There is a definite Holy glow.


Ca: have any of you seen the Monstrance look very large?

Car: no, but sometimes it is all I can see in the room, like all else fades


Rob: Another thing I have personally noticed especially in recent weeks. If our family or a family member has an issue our Pastor speaks on that in the homily. Amazing. It is as if God is inspiring him to speak on that topic. And there is the adviseor answer we needed


Ca: that happens to me all the time!

Rob: Yes, but with amazing accuracy of late

Guest255 (guest): Many a times, I find that the sermons are just for me – addressing something on my mindPM

Car: Sometimes in confession, I think my priests mouthnis moving, but God is speaking! Yes, but with amazing accuracy of late


Guest255 (guest): Many a times, I find that the sermons are just for me – addressing something on my mind


Dec 16 2012, 8:05 PM

Ca: Even the songs I hear on the Christian radio station address what I am thinking-and I wonder How does God do that?


Rob: Yes, that is what is supposed to be happening.


Guest475 (guest): These are all powerful moves of the Holy Spiriti and spiritual graces

Guest255 (guest): Once on my way to mass, I thought of Jesus, that I would not see him with my eyes- but I knew I would find him in people – and that day the sermon was about this thought. I was so happy

Ca: I say that alot. How DOES God do that?


Rob: HE is GOD

Guest475 (guest): It is wonderful God is working with all of you like that

__R: so when I first finished RCIA my sponsor asked me one day why I didn’t look during Consecration and I said that I didn’t feel worthy.. she told me to practice trying to look anyway


Rob: I could not imagine a life without Faith in Christ. What a sad empty life that would be! No wonder those who deny HIM are so miserable!


Guest255 (guest): Hi Sr Ma

So the next day I went to daily Mass at the parish I go to now just to practice watching.. and wouldn’t you know they approched me out of the blue and asked me to bring up the Gifts

Rob: I have always looked up and thought the words of St Thomas ” My Lord, and MY God”. then looked down.


Dec 16 2012, 8:08 PM

Ca: I can’t look away…



Guest255 (guest): Those words of St. Thomas really mean a lot.

Car: I have difficulty looking at the blessed Host, because I feel so small



Dec 16 2012, 8:09 PM

Rob: Yes, they always have to me. That is what my dear Mother taught me.


Guest255 (guest): He is there for us always-until the end

Ca: I feel small too Carrie, but I forget that while I am looking at Him


Car: wow, Carol Ann I like that

Ca: it’s like time stops

Sister Ma: Yes, luckily He’s willing to make His home in us – to sustain and strengthen us!

Car: The Eucharist is a miracle that happens every day


Dec 16 2012, 8:11 PM

__R: yes


Ca: lots of times now I will ask Him to make my heart a fit place for Him to live.


Guest255 (guest): We are very small in front of him – but he loves us, what would we do otherwise, without him

SisterMa: So, why do people who are looking for miracles stay away, I wonder?

Car: St. Faustina prayed her heart was a place for God, tooPM

Car: Good question, Sr.


Sister Ma: That’s what it really means to be BIG-HEARTED – full of Our Lord’s spirit.


Rob: I often think it is because they think of God like a Santa Claus. They are going to ask Him for something and HE will deliver it


Ca: Yes, Rob, that’s it! He sure does DELIVER, but not according to our plans.

Ca: We tend to think sometimes that we can boss God and demand things


Guest255 (guest): Yes Rob, always too much of asking but less of loving him

Rob: I have had people say that to me. “Well I asked HIM and nothing….see what I mean. He is not listening….


Car: Or like praying is going to McDonalds and ordering at the window!


Rob: Failing to realize that is not how God operates….


Sister Ma: Not quite!

Car: right, I often think I was given the miracle of seeing the divine light on the Host not because my faith was strong, but because it was weak. PM

Guest475 (guest): It enhanced and strengthened your faith