St. Francis de Sales draws on Holy Scripture as a source of faith.

“Holy Scripture is in such sort the rule of the Christian faith that we are obliged by every kind of obligation to believe most exactly all that it contains, and not to believe anything which may be ever so little contrary to it: for if Our Lord himself has sent the Jews to it  to strengthen their faith, it must be a most safe standard.

The Sadducees erred because they did not understand the Scriptures ;  they would have done better to attend to them, as to a light shining in a dark place, according to the advice of S. Peter,who having himself heard the voice of the Father in the Transfiguration of the Son, bases himself more firmly on the testimony of the Prophets than on this experience.

When God says to Josue : Let not the hook of this law depart from thy month^ he shows clearly tliat he willed him to have it always in his mind, and to let no persuasion enter which should be contrary to it. But I am losing time ; this disputation would be needful against free-thinkers  ; we are agreed on this point, and those who are so mad as to contradict it, can only rest their contradiction on the Scripture itself, contradicting themselves before contradicting the Scripture, using it in the very protestation which they make that they will not use it.”

Source: Catholic Controversies Article 1, Chapter 1

REFLECTION: How has my faith grown by meditating on the Word of God?