The Solemnity of St. Joseph, March 19th is always celebrated with great joy in the Visitation Order.


He is a major reference to us in our conception of religious life. We are invited to imitate St. Joseph in our practice of the virtues, specific virtues that St. Francis de Sales as Founder wanted to inculcate in the Order.

St. Joseph lived a deep humility and poverty. He evidenced great perseverance, but always under the Will of God, in faithful obedience to Him.

St. Joseph set the standard of behavior which the Visitation Sisters are called to by their Rule of Life; a deep spirituality conforming to the Will of God, in cordiality. He is the perfect model of a holy life consistent with the spiritual ideals of the Visitation Order.


La Visitation, saint François de Sales et la dévotion à saint Joseph by B. Dompnier

Special Song from Michael Card on St Joseph: