North American Salesian Network

 The North American Salesian Network is an intentional network of collaboration by Salesian organizations

The initial aim of the network is the sharing of talent, resource materials and programs to enhance the training of our members and the accomplishment of our respective missions, ultimately spreading the Gospel in the Salesian tradition.  The initial commitment of organizational membership includes participation in an annual gathering, contributions to a collaborative website and sharing of information through social media or an e-newsletter.

The founding group has put together this Vision Statement:

We envision a collaborative effort among our Salesian associations and institutes to empower us in refreshing our North American culture with the spirit of St. Francis de Sales and our Founders.

We hope to facilitate the sharing of Salesian resources, educational services, technological expertise, vocational efforts and other key ministries that will enable us to touch hearts and “Live Jesus” across a wider expanse of people.

Together we enter into the mystery of Christ and help to bring all people to Christ with the strong gentleness and zeal of St. Francis de Sales.


April 2013