Therese Putigny was born March 22 1803 in Eply, a village not far from the Metz Visitation. Her father was an honest farmer and her mother a model woman of virtue. At the young age of 4, Therese already had a great gift of prayer, though carrying the normal faults of childhood; she would refer all her actions to the Blessed Mother.

Circumstances in her life led to her living with another family for a while, the Gautiez family. But when they moved she became a companion to another woman, Madame de Maud’huy, whom she served diligently. It was from this home that eventually Therese entered the Visitation Monastery, under a remarkable Superior, Mother Marie-Therese, in a relatively new community only founded for 8 years. She served as a lay-sister, in the kitchen. Her novice directress was astute and understood that Therese had received many choice graces already in her soul. She became a novice in 1828 receiving the name Sr Catherine Marie She pronounced her vows Dec 13 1829, the anniversary of the death of the Visitation Order’s Foundress,  St Jane de Chantal.

In time she became infirmarian at the Visitation boarding school attached to the Monastery. Interiorly she was given prophetic lights about the conditions of France and she beheld, before her eyes, the revolution of 1848, the conflagration of Paris and other war strewn events.

Her mystic gifts led to  her receiving the stigmata and being a victim soul with Jesus. Her virtues were many, especially  mortification, abandonment and humility.

The year of 1884 was a year of great suffering for her as she entered the evening of her life. She was given a little cell in the infirmary but was still able to go to the choir for Holy Communion.

But the Lord was preparing to call her, and on Jul 22, 1885, at 82 years of age and 54 in profession Sr Catherine Marie  returned to her loving Lord, in a simple and peaceful sleep.

Many souls have felt the power of her intercession. May you become one of them!


Part One: