We had a great chat until experiencing  TECHNICAL DIFFICULTY with Chatroll. So very sorry and thanks to each for joining us!

SrSusan : In our Living Jesus Chat Room this Sunday, we will discuss these points: In the article, St. Jane was pleased to call herself, “the child of the Heart of Jesus”. What child-like attributes can strengthen a relationship with Jesus? Christ said, “Learn of Me that I am meek and humble of heart”. Who are some saints who have followed this command so well? What other saints have received revelations from the Sacred Heart? Did St. Jane and St. Francis “set the stage” for St. Margaret Mary’s apparitions?T

Aug 11 2013, 7:14 PM

Sister Susan Marie: How do you find the topic for tonight?

L: I loved the article! St.Jane de Chantal so speaks to my heart in her humble and loving way! :

Sister Susan Marie: Yes and I have been intrigued by the association of the Heart of Christ with the foundress of the Visitation as well as St Margaret Mary

Sister Susan Marie: St Jane is often pictured in statues etc with a heart in her hand and when I was less familiar with the Order I did confuse this representation with St Margaret Mary

17 PM

L: Yes, I have done that too!

How does one lose herself in Christ’s Sacred Heart?

Sister Susan Marie: Very good question! Initially I think by placing all one’s worries, one’s emotions into His Heart, mentally and verbally attesting to that. Later i think by contemplation

L: I want that so much but I am a fusser by nature and I struggle with leaving my worries with God and not wanting to snatch them back!

Sister Susan Marie: We are blessed to have a huge stained glass window of the Sacred heart of Jesus in our chapel facing the choir, seemingly burning with light. It helps to place all in His Heart when you have a clear and tangible image

Oh let Him burn those worries with the love of His Heart.

L: Oh that does sound beautiful! Please Lord may it be so!

Sister Susan Marie: Once they are in there there is no way to snatch them back- burned to a crisp by LOVE

L: I love the high lesson of Christ “Learn of Me that I am meek and humble of Heart!”

Sister Susan Marie: Yes the only words in Scripture where Jesus describes Himself so succinctly

Sister Susan Marie: The Visitation Order is based on those words of Jesus, gentle and humble of heart- our main charism or spirit

V: so true, just in daily life of any sort

L: In this world; humility is thought of as being weak

Sister Susan Marie: Yes but the way we can also look at humility is as truth.

Of course that’s not always respected either

L: I like that way of looking at it

Sister Susan Marie: Humus- of the earth- humility- down to earth!

L: Oh wonderful

: How do you practice humility in the Visitation sense?

Sister Susan Marie: Yes, it is based on deep self-knowledge which shows that whatever qualities we have are gifts, as is our very life, from God. So the truth of who we are is always before us.

Another good question!

Sister Susan Marie: Certainly never taking a stance that puts us in any way “above” others, no matter what charge or obedience we may have. Knowing who we are minus that particular position

But essentially it is a deep humility before God, and a great gentleness toward our neighbor, that is the charism

K: We must allow God to show us who we truly are and sometimes it is painful.

L:Oh ok I think I see! I will contemplate this

Warts and all?

Sister Susan Marie: So before the Lord what can we be but humble, truthful, knowing He is our creator and we are His children. St Janes “child of the Heart of Jesus”

Aug 11 2013, 7:35 PM

K: but that is the only way we grow in virtue

to be a child of the Heart of Jesus – with complete trust in His love and knowledge – a child thinks his parents is the smartest person in the world and they are always right

Aug 11 2013, 7:37 PM

Sister Susan Marie: Knowing who we are before God can strengthen our relationship with Him, as you said Lois warts and all. He sees us and so there is no need of pretense.

And yes, the child’s attitude towards the parents, that trust and belief in them, we can relate to Our Lord the same way

L: I think that humbleness of heart is what really has drawn me to the Visitation spirituality

Sister Susan Marie: Do you pick that up from the writings then?

K: the innocence and pure heart of a child is able to receive love

Aug 11 2013, 7:40 PM

V: and the gentleness and love

Sister Susan Marie: Yes that’s so true. Some people stumble when it comes to God’s love. They don’t always have that full belief in it but that’s where the growth comes in

K: the writing of Sts. J & F overflow with love

Sister Susan Marie: Especially the letters they wrote

L: Yes, Sister; I read things on St. Jane De Chantal years ago and I was struck by her kindness and humble ways even when her father in law was unkind

Sister Susan Marie: That’s an excellent example!

L: Her letters too and from St. Francis De Sales were full of love and gentleness on both sides!

V: I also love Ms. Stopp’s book and the quote of Holy

Sister Susan Marie: He was a very hard person to live with, demanding and sometimes threatening to take away the inheritance of her children but she bore it and reached out in gentleness

Sister Susan Marie: Elizabeth Stopp’s life of St Jane? Great book!

Sister Susan Marie: Yes, a physical martydom ends rather quickly but the martydom of love can be life-long and it is a true martyrdom

K: but whatever it takes to die in the state of holiness that God has called us to.

Aug 11 2013, 7:44 PM


She was amazing to me; such a strong woman for her time!

K: I have read a little of the book but want to read it all

L: I haven’t read that book but I will!

Sister Susan Marie: It’s one of the best bios.

V: Every day I meditate on martyrdom of love.

Sister Susan Marie: Fr Ravier’s is a little simpler

V: i have that one2

Sister Susan Marie: Every day!

Sister Susan Marie: Does everyone here know what V means about the martydom of love?

Aug 11 2013, 7:46 PM

L: No I don’t think so; I’m sorry

K: I do too V, I was struck with her writing on this the first time I read it and began to pray that I Would suffer the martyrdom of love according to the will of God. Be careful what you pray for.

Sister Susan Marie: But the general idea is that you will be severed interiorly from that most important to you- in a sense, even yourself

Sister Susan Marie: When you think of Jesus’Heart pierced with a lance, the martyrdom of Love makes even more sense

Aug 11 2013, 7:53 PM

V: Holy Mother’s martyrdom lasted a lifetime

Sister Susan Marie: She did suffer so very much

K: but shouldn’t we be able to suffer with joy if it is God’s will?

Aug 11 2013, 7:54 PM

L: I think I understand a little bit about what you a!re saying! I need to read more I see

Sister Susan Marie: The Visitation, Bishop Bougaud said, is modeled on the Heart of Jesus.

Sister Susan Marie: Suffer with joy means you suffer with love

St Jane said : ‘If the Sisters
of the Visitation are very humble and faithful to God,
they shall have the Heart of Jesus for a dwelling and
sojourn in this world.’

L: that is beautiful!

B (guest): wow so profound and beautiful

Aug 11 2013, 7:57 PM

K: look at the representations of His Heart, if we want to share His Heart, we will be on fire with His love and pierced with the lance and thorns

V: that makes me

oops, smile deeply

Sister Susan Marie: And if you want to enter into the spirit you just described Kim, the Guard of Honor or Hour of Presence of the Heart of Jesus enhances that.

Aug 11 2013, 7:58 PM

K: I will check into that

Sister Susan Marie: Because you choose an hour to stand in spirit below the Crucified Lord pierced with a lance in reparation

K: I have felt like I need to spend time at the foot of the cross with our Blessed Mother, but I can’t

Aug 11 2013, 8:01 PM

Sister Susan Marie: It is a devotional way of praying

L: Some of this is all very new to me. What exactly does that mean?

Aug 11 2013, 8:01 PM

K: I can’t say that I have yet

K: can you explain a little Sister

Aug 11 2013, 8:02 PM

Sister Susan Marie: standing guard with Blessed Mother St John and St Mary Magdalene, under the Cross, joining them there in spirit and taking on similar dispositions and prayer