lf we can not admit our faults, we can never fight them. How does this reinforce the need for a frequent examination of conscience?
We may make progress in growing in holiness during Advent, but how do we keep these habits from fading away once Advent is over?
The early Christians would often meditate on the “four last things”: heaven, hell, death, and judgment. Do we understand the importance of Christ’s second coming and our final judgment?

Sister Susan Marie: Happy Second Sunday of Advent!

Dec 8 2013, 7:22 PM

l: And the same to you!

Sister Susan Marie: Thanks!

Sister Susan Marie: The first week is always special here- last Sun we had our Advent Mass with the school and the tree lighting ceremony

l: Oh that does sound nice!

Dec 8 2013, 7:24 PM

Sister Susan Marie: It’s a good way to start- hopefully the students live Advent and not Christmas all month

l: I read the article you suggested and it got me examining myself in this Advent season

Sister Susan Marie: Do you have special Advent reading? I am using a book of reflections myself

Sister Susan Marie: You answered before I asked! That’s great!

l: No not really but that is a good idea

Sister Susan Marie: We have Advent sermons by St Francis de Sales that some of our novices are reading- Tan books published them

Sister Susan Marie: I am also taking the free Advent course at De Sales U, on line

l: I will look into that! The idea of examining our main weakness was interesting to me!

loisw13: That sounds good! Is it just for Sisters?

Sister Susan Marie: Yes, and it can be a challenge to discover it and work on it

Sister Susan Marie: Oh no- it is for everyone

l: Yes, it seems when I make some progress forward, I take 2 steps back!

Sister Susan Marie: Same here! I always need to work on generosity and noticing others’ needs- I seem to have adopted “custody of the eyes” too strongly!

l: I lack discipline in my spriritual life and tend towards laziness!

Sister Susan Marie: Heres the course info: http://visitationspirit.org/2013/11/free-salesian-courses-during-advent/


l: Thanks so much! I am going to look into it!

Dec 8 2013, 7:30 PM

Sister Susan Marie: Monastic structures provide the discipline for sure

Sister Susan Marie: Then all one has to do is put one’s heart into whatever is required during the day

l: I know; I really felt that and I saw my tend toward resisting at times and wanting to keep reading!


Sister Susan Marie: How is your Advent going A?

Sister Susan Marie: We are working on our weaknesses

Dec 8 2013, 7:36 PM

A: It is going well Sister. Very busy but I still have time for prayer!

Dec 8 2013, 7:36 PM

Sister Susan Marie: I think realistically we can’t expect to be perfect by Christmas, but improved, why not?

A: Where to begin? LOL

l: Even a new insight is nice

Dec 8 2013, 7:37 PM

Sister Susan Marie: Advent prayer here is so melodius- I mean the antiphons are written beautifully

Sister Susan Marie: We notice in many of our environments that Advent is “skipped over” and Christmas begins early. How do you all try to keep the Advent spirit alive?

l: I think your practice of Advent readings is a good start

I love this time of anticipation of our Lord’s coming

A: I usually try to have an Advent calendar and wreath and the nativity. I do not have them set up yet though.

l I set my nativity set up on the first Sunday of Advent

Dec 8 2013, 7:41 PM

Sister Susan Marie: Are there lessons and carols in your parishes?

A: The King of Glory was sung today but at a slower pace. no lessons

l: Yes there are Christmas programs although with my work; it’s hard to get to them!

A I do have prayer books covering advent and I prayer the Liturgy of the Hours

l: I also prayer the Hours and try to do OOR

Sister Susan Marie: I see Advent in several ways- one is certainly the “externals” that lead your internal life to the proper spirit; with prayer, advent wreaths and so on. Then there is one’s heart preparation- however you choose to do that and then- thinking if you can of His coming again

Dec 8 2013, 7:45 PM

A: His coming again is something many people speculate on

A: Looking for signs etc

Sister Susan Marie: But the best “sign” is our own heart and its readiness for Him, now and in the future:46 PM

l: I think the Sacrament of Reconciliation is really important too! 7:46 PM

A: true.Sister and L. I was going to say confession

Sister Susan Marie: Sometimes people find this hope-filled season very difficult- esp when they need hope most, as when some sadness or cause of grief occurs during Advent.

A: Yes Sister and it is a time of sadness missing those we loveYes Sister and it is a time of sadness missing those we love

Dec 8 2013, 7:48 PM

A: Even though we hope they are with our Lord

Sister Susan Marie:  Prayer is the best recourse and I think sharing little acts of Divine Providence that might be missed or ignored

At: God does always provide

sometimes spiritually, sometimes materially

Dec 8 2013, 7:53 PM

l: Life can be a real challenge and it can be hard to hang on to hope!

Sister Susan Marie: Sometimes the hope lies within the other person who continues to love the unhopeful one.

Sister Susan Marie: That can also backfire if the relationship is not strong or the hopeless one feels inadequate

Sister Susan Marie: But I think we have to hang on to hope for and with one another

Dec 8 2013, 7:58 PM

A: sometimes trying to give hope to another takes time

Dec 8 2013, 7:59 PM

Sister Susan Marie: Our words can’t be trite or glib

A: sometimes because we are a known Catholic, we are being observed

Sister Susan Marie: Can you develop that further?

l: I agree Sister; no one likes to hard that everything has a reason when there doesn’t seem to be one at that moment!

Dec 8 2013, 8:00 PM

l: I meant hear

A: Sure. I live in a small town. many know I am Catholic. They will ask me questions. How do I keep my faith. What can they do about a situation

Dec 8 2013, 8:01 PM

C: Observation can mean being held to high standards?

A: Yes C! I sometimes try to watch what they see in me!

They sometimes jokingly call me church lady or ask me to pray for them.

l: Oh me too A; it can be very humbling

C: Ha! I am called that too

A: yes L it is. and I am awestruck that people would trust me to pray for their needs:

l: I have a patient who calls me a nin (nun in training) it always makes me laugh!

A: haha thats a good thing!

C: Prayer of a righteous person avails much

From James’ Epistle (?)07 PM

: Thanks- I didn’t know ch & verse!

l: I’ll remember that

Dec 8 2013, 8:08 PM

Sister Susan Marie: But great and applicable quote!

Dec 8 2013, 8:09 PM

l: Absolutely

Sister Susan Marie: When I was thinking before about Advent hope and giving hope it occurred to me that it is clear John the Baptist and Jesus were “paired” in this way, somewhat, no?

Sister Susan Marie: And “success” is often a pure gift of the Lord, even if it is embedded in the gifts or talents He gave us

C: I would suspect that prayer=possible for everyone (?)

Dec 8 2013, 8:15 PM

Sister Susan Marie: Most definitely

Dec 8 2013, 8:15 PM

A: It is a little disconcerting Sister when perfect strangers come up to me at my job and tell me their lives!

I work in a clothing store! LOL

C: Re success- talents in the Lord’s service

Best guess!

l: That shows me how much we need to be there for each other!

Dec 8 2013, 8:16 PM

C: All of us

Dec 8 2013, 8:17 PM

Sister Susan Marie: Sounds like a good guess!

l: That shows me how much we need to be there for each other!

C: Trust me I ‘m a church lady w/a lot to learn

Sister Susan Marie: But what Advent hope you can plant in a heart A, even a tiny seed of it

l: That is so true; I see that opportunity at the hospital often

A: true I will try! Between helping choose sweaters.haha

C: Street evangelization

Dec 8 2013, 8:19 PM

A: good stuff C!

Sister Susan Marie: Advent seeds into Christmas trees grow- guess I’m getting silly

At: LOL I am too

Sister Susan Marie: But seriously- there is great opportunity with you- whether a clothing store or a hospital- real charity and assistance !

A: I think at this time of year, people need to share with others

1 PM

l: I agree!

Dec 8 2013, 8:21 PM

C: Totally!

21 PM

A: some people have no one to talk to and I love to talk!

C: Talking=a ministry

Dec 8 2013, 8:23 PM

l: Great thought Carla!

:25 PM

Sister Susan Marie: This time of year the demand is great at soup kitchens I Imagine. Alice, an Advent possibility for you?

Dec 8 2013, 8:25 PM

A: funny that I am a nurse but i can help others in a clothing store!

C: Talking ministry would be useful there as well

A: I am thinking yes! to the soup kitchen!


C: Don’t worry- I can’t cook for my life

C: Helping hand is only thing nec

A: I def cant make soup but i can talk and ladle

i feel happy in my heart thinking about it

Sister Susan Marie: I think we demonstrated how hope happens- right here!

l: Inspiring!

Dec 8 2013, 8:29 PM

A: we have! I am grateful!

Dec 8 2013, 8:29 PM

Sister Susan Marie: Talk ministry- chat ministry- believers together sharing

Dec 8 2013, 8:30 PM

C: Thanks!

Sister Susan Marie: There’s still the ministry of silence- gathering our inner forces and resources together so we have something to offer when we engage in the talk ministry

C: Very good insight

l: Oh that is true

Dec 8 2013, 8:30 PM

C: Can’t give it if you don’t have it

A: that is an important thought for me

l: I must go now but Happy Advent season everyone and God Bless!

Sister Susan Marie: So opposites work together to bring about wholeness in others- again like John the Baptist and Jesus!