This month’s mystic is a bit of a “mystery” and we invite you to help us discover more about her!
Mother Maria Amata Marciano (1873-1942) was a Visitandine of Palermo, Italy who eventually was elected Superior of the community.
Her heart throbbed intensely with divine love and we understand that she had special charisms.
She is quoted as saying that she would like to be in the sky as a ray of divine light to penetrate on earth all minds of all people so that they can know and love the Lord.
A book in Italian was written about her in 1967 by the Visitation Monastery in Palermo entitled : Un raggio della divina luce : breve vita della Madre Maria Amata Marcianò. – Palermo : Monastero della Visitazione, imprim. 1967. – 160 p.