The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, February 2, 2014 is also dedicated as the World Day for Consecrated Life.

St. Francis de Sales spoke some of his thoughts about this Feast.

In his sermon on Feb. 2, 1622 this Founder of the Visitation Order of Holy Mary preached that,

This mystery is admirably represented by the candles which we carry today.

The fire, which is the first and most excellent element in the candle, is a symbol of the Divinity. The other two elements of the candle, the wick and the wax, symbolize the soul and body of Our Lord.

Now the Divine Nature is so united and joined to the human nature and they form such a union and communion that God became man…”

The Visitation Monasteries each celebrate this day with deep and persistent prayer for those discerning their vocations to religious life.

If you have had an inspiration to learn more about the Visitation, visit our chat room Sunday night to speak to a Sister and ask your questions!

Wondering what other discerners have asked and how the Sisters answered? Read our free on line book on discernment,here: