No Hidden Secret: The Fountain of Life is Open to Everyone

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How great is Christ’s love for us? In last week’s chat session, we talked about how Christ became incarnate, taking on humanity as an embryo, and then as a vulnerable child.

We also must remember that Christ left us the sacrament of the Eucharist. We can receive the sacrament of his body and blood weekly – or even daily, at Mass!

During his Feb. 5th general audience in St. Peter’s square, Pope Francis spoke of the necessity of the Eucharist for us as Catholics:

“The Eucharist configures us in a unique and profound way with Jesus… renewing our heart, our existence and our relationship with him and with our brothers and gives us a foretaste of communion with the Father in the banquet of the King of heaven.

“[This sacrament] is the heart of Christian initiation and the Church’s fountain of life… which accompanies every step of our pilgrimage of faith, fellowship and witness.”

Let us not ignore such a great gift that we have been given!

To prepare for Sunday’s chat, please read the article, “Pope Francis: The Eucharist Keeps the Church Alive.”

In our Living Jesus Chat Room this Sunday, we will discuss these points:

  • Our Holy Father also said, “the celebration of the Eucharist always keeps the Church alive and makes our communities distinguished by love and communion.” Do we, personally, live up the the love we have received? Do we share that love in our communities?
  • At the time of his Ascension, Jesus promised that he would be with his Church until the end of time. Is the Eucharist the fulfillment of this promise?
  • The Eucharist is more than just a symbol, but includes images and analogies to help us better understand the Eucharistic mystery. What are some examples of Eucharistic symbolism in Scripture?

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Come to our Living Jesus Chat Room, 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM Eastern Time U.S.