Reflect deeply on this quote of St. Francis de Sales after you read or listen to the Gospel of the Day!
Ash Wednesday: “On the first day, the Church addresses us in these words: ‘Remember you are dust and into dust you shall return, “as if she meant to say, ‘Quit at this moment all joyful and pleasant reflection, and fill your memory with bitter, hard and sorrowful thoughts. In this way, you will make your mind fast together with your body.”
Source:Lenten Sermons of St. Francis de Sales
Thursday: The merit of the cross does not consist in its heaviness, but in the manner in which we carry it. I would even say that it is sometimes more virtuous to carry a cross of straw than a heavy cross because we have to be more attentive for fear of losing it.” (OEA 9:19)
FRIDAY: “Oh these preachers! They forbid every joy.. they want us to be in Church all day long,fasting. Ah! Nourish yourself with every joy”. (OEA 8:82-83)
Saturday: “God does not always choose the holiest to govern and have charge in His Church. Therefore those who are called ought not to glorify themselves and presume themselves to be more perfect than others.” Lenten Sermons 80-81