“Consider that the Eternal Father has so loved the world that He has given to it His only Son; and the Son has so loved the will of His Father, that seeing Him desirous of saving human nature, without heeding the meanness and indignity of the thing, He willingly offered a prodigious price for its ransom; His Blood, His sweat and His life.
Monday March 17
“Thus, this Savior in His love does His Father’s will and accomplishes the Redemption of the world. In each mystery of His Passion, He said: O my Father! Human nature, which we love, would be sufficiently redeemed by one of my tears; but that would not suffice for the reverence I have for Thy Will and for My own love. Over and above My anguish in the garden, I will to be scourged, to be crowned with thorns.”
Tuesday March 18
Jesus has served as a general sacrifice for sin, having been made as one accursed, separated from and abandoned by His eternal Father
Wednesday March 19
Prayer: Eternal Father, what can the world render You for the gift You have made of Your own Son?. Hail to You Jesus Who died that my soul may live.
Thursday March 20
Prayer: Too great an Honor is it O King of Glory, to drink with you the cup of sorrow! May I never then refuse this drink, for O God it is the drink of your Beloved.
Friday March 21
O religious souls! You who have undertaken to follow Jesus Crucified, know that you are to be stripped of your own affections as He was of His Holy garment.
Saturday March 22
Help me to follow you Lord, even to glory by the way of sorrow.
Source: Meditations drawn fron the writings of SFDS
From: Conferences for a retreat of 10 days, in the Spirit of St Francis de Sales by Abbe Duquesne