The Blessed Savior might let his blood drop on the ashes of the original sinner Adam and that we might know his sin was cleansed when it was nailed to the Cross.
Monday March 24
Consider the Savior raised and extended on the Cross. O supreme love of the Heart of Jesus! What heart shall bless you devoutly enough?
Tuesday March 25
Jesus will die with willingness in order to make this poor human nature live
Wednesday March 26
Prayer: Obedient Jesus! Obedient even to the death of the Cross! You will be the repairer of my acts of disobedience; let this Precious Blood be distilled into the deep wounds of my soul, for it is the medicine of my salvation.
Thursday March 27
Prayer: O free will of my heart! How good it would be for you to be fastened on the cross of the divine Savior to die to self and be offered as a burnt offering to the Lord.
Friday March 28
Never forget o my soul that the Visitation is founded spiritually on the Mount of Calvary for the service of this crucified Lover, in imitation of Whom we musty crucify our senses, imaginations for the love of the heavenly Father.
Saturday March 29
O Lord may may my eyes remain fixed on your sufferings, my heart fastened on your goodness.