Consider that the gentle Jesus regarding His enemies around Him, said first “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” O what ardent charity! This Lord unable to excuse the sin of these men attributes it to their ignorance.
Monday March 31
See St John and the most holy Virgin at the feet of their Beloved, who regarding his mother says to her “Woman behold thy Son” and to John “Behold thy Mother” O admirable Mother. How well must thy heart have been accustomed to the language of love and its meaning! You saw that He was giving you to His Spouse, the Church.
Tuesday April 1
Jesus had a holy and burning thirst for the salvation of souls. He thirsts ardently for your salvation, which He wins by His death on the Cross.
Wednesday April 2
Prayer: O good and gentle Savior! What tenderness of heart for my neighbor you teach me! Must I even excuse those who crucify my Spouse? My Savior, you excused them. Yet scarcely can we look kindly on those who displease us ever so little.
Thursday April 3
Prayer: O most holy Mother! Receive John for thy son; receive the children of the Church as pearls of consolation.
Friday April 4
Prayer: O mystical bee! Grant me the grace that in the hive of my cloister and in the cell of my heart, I may after Thy example, lay up the honey gathered in these holy wounds of our Savior!
Saturday April 5
Prayer: O Mother of sorrow and fountain of love! Permit me no more to depart from the sacred foot of this adorable cross!
Source: Meditations from the Writings of St Francis de Sales